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  • Logic

    A man is dating three women and wants to decide
    which to marry. He decides to give them a test.
    He gives each of the women a present of $5000
    and watches to see what they do with the money.

    The first does a total makeover. She goes to a
    fancy beauty salon, gets her hair done, new make
    up and buys several new outfits and dresses up
    very nicely for the man. She tells him that she
    has done this to be more attractive for him
    because she loves him so much. The man was

    The second goes shopping to buy the man gifts. She
    gets him a new set of golf clubs, some new gizmos
    for his computer and some expensive clothes. As she
    presents these gifts, she tells him that she has
    spent all the money on him because she loves him so
    much. Again the man was impressed.

    The third invests the money in the stock market. She
    earns several times the $5000. She gives him back
    his $5000 and has reinvested the remainder in a joint
    account. She tells him that she wants to save for
    their future because she loves him so much. Obviously,
    the man was very impressed.

    The man thought for a long time about what each women
    had done with the money he'd given her. Then he
    married the one with the biggest tits. Men are like
    that you know.
    Brian (the devil incarnate)

  • #2
    P.S. You've been Spanked!


    • #3
      There are two nuns. One of them is known as Sister Mathematical (SM) and the other one is known as Sister Logical (SL). It is getting dark and they are still far away from the convent.

      SM: Have you noticed that a man has been following us for the past thirty-eight and a half minutes? I wonder what he wants.

      SL: It's logical. He wants to rape us.

      SM: Oh, no! At this rate he will reach us in 15 minutes at the most. What can we do?

      SL: The only logical thing to do of course is to walk faster.

      SM: It's not working

      SL: Of course it's not working. The man did the only logical thing. He started to walk faster too.

      SM: So, what shall we do? At this rate he will reach us in one minute.

      SL: The only logical thing we can do is split. You go that way and I'll go this way. He cannot follow us both. So the man decided to follow Sister Logical. Sister Mathematical arrives at the convent and is worried what has happened to Sister Logical. Then Sister Logical arrives.

      SM: Sister Logical! Thank God you are here! Tell me what happened!

      SL: The only logical thing happened. The man couldn't follow us both, so he followed me.

      SM: Yes, yes! But what happened then?

      SL: The only logical thing happened. I started to run as fast as I could and he started to run as fast as he could.

      SM: And?

      SL: The only logical thing happened. He reached me.

      SM: What did you do?

      SL: The only logical thing to do. I lifted my dress up.

      SM: Oh, Sister! What did the man do?

      SL: The only logical thing to do. He pulled down his pants.

      SM: Oh, no! What happened then?

      SL: Isn't it logical, Sister? A nun with her dress up can run faster than a man with his pants down...
      Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Brian Ellis
        A man is dating three women and wants to decide
        which to marry. He decides to give them a test.
        He gives each of the women a present of $5000
        and watches to see what they do with the money.
        Alternate ending:

        He becomes a Mormon and marries all 3

        Dr. Mordrid
        Dr. Mordrid
        An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

        I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dr Mordrid
          Alternate ending:

          He becomes a Mormon and marries all 3

          Dr. Mordrid
          Shhhh! Don't let Jammrock see that! j/k
          The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

          I'm the least you could do
          If only life were as easy as you
          I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
          If only life were as easy as you
          I would still get screwed


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gurm
            Shhhh! Don't let Jammrock see that! j/k
            Good god are you kidding me! One Mormon women is enough to drive a man insane ... 3 would lead to suicide
            “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
            –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jammrock
              Good god are you kidding me! One Mormon women is enough to drive a man insane ... 3 would lead to suicide
              I really don't think the woman has to be mormon to drive you insane
              Wikipedia and Google.... the needles to my tangent habit.

              That special feeling we get in the cockles of our hearts, Or maybe below the cockles, Maybe in the sub-cockle area, Maybe in the liver, Maybe in the kidneys, Maybe even in the colon, We don't know.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Claymonkey
                I really don't think the woman has to be mormon to drive you insane

                "I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned."


                • #9
                  Ain't that the truth

                  Dr. Mordrid
                  Dr. Mordrid
                  An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                  I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

