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Newsflash. Ottawa, January 2013

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  • Newsflash. Ottawa, January 2013

    Ottawa Quakers called for donations today to an emergency snowsuit fund
    for american soldiers, as the latest wave of invaders was stalled
    by a snowstorm outside Toronto. As american tanks were halted by massive
    snowdrifts on the 417, the RCMP denied that it has been assisting american
    marines with directions to Ottawa. "I told them it was near Toronto", said
    one RCMP officer, "but they said they knew that already".

    Canadian meterologists dismissed claims by the US military that winter
    temperatures of -20 and below were unusually cold. 'If they think that's bad,
    wait until they get to Calgary' one senior meterologist commented. Meanwhile
    the Ontario government announced that savings in the snow removal fund
    caused by the american invasion would be used to cover additional social
    assistance costs for new canadian citizens.

    A total of 10,000 US soldiers have now accepted canadian citizenship
    as part of the invasion response program. The package which offers
    immediate citizenship for soldiers and their families, including all
    health costs, membership of the canadian pension fund, free education,
    housing and a resettlement allowance for the west coast, has been extremely
    popular with the older rank and file.

    The success of the program is being attributed in part to local relief
    efforts to assist american soldiers poorly prepared for winter conditions.
    As local towns provided hot food and blankets to the troops, american GI's
    were amazed by canadian hospitality. "These people are really nice", said
    one GI who reported being shot at during one holiday in Chicago.
    Reports that the high rate of breakdown experienced by american troop
    carriers was due to bottles of blue coloured water labelled anti-freeze
    being distributed to canadian petrol stations were strenously denied by
    the Canadian government. 'Mislabelling of consumer products can be
    extremely dangerous, and will be prosecuted under the Sale of Goods Act',
    stated an official.

    Meanwhile in Florida, the takeover of the state government by Canadian
    Snowbirds has continued into its third week. Attempts by the national
    guard to move in were blocked by senior citizens who have built an ice rink
    on the main freeways using snowmakers smuggled in from Quebec. "They just
    don't have any winter driving experience down here, eh", said one pensioner,
    armed with a submachine gun bought at a local gun store. Concerns raised
    by Congress over the availability of weapons to foreign nationals, were
    condemned by Florida gun shop owners as 'anti-competitive'.

    European observers have expressed surprise over the latest american agression,
    so soon after the acknowledged fiasco of the recent Mexican takeover. Relief
    efforts in San Diego are continuing after the massive exodus from Mexico
    City to California. Immigration officials stated they were unable to
    stop mexican-americans from traveling north in search of work now that
    the border has been dismantled.

    In Washington today, Senate members called for emergency debate as
    opinion polls for the Presidential elections continued to show the Mayor
    of Mexico city in first place, with 98% support amongst the mexican community.
    State officials have acknowledged that granting US citizenship to all mexicans
    immediately following the takeover may have been premature.
    There's an Opera in my macbook.

  • #2
    We'd never attack Canada. There's nothing worth taking over up there

    If you want to see funny American soldiers in the snow, find the old show (can't remember where it aired) that had the US doing cold weather drills in northern Norway during the winter. Now that was funny.
    “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
    –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


    • #3
      Guess all the arctic training in Alaska doesn't count.

      Invading Canada is silly. Easier just to buy it.


      (pricing out acreage in Manitoba)

