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  • #31
    Originally posted by Wombat
    You didn't answer my question. Do you inform all of your closest friends and your extended family every time you go see a movie? If not, how will the know only to call if it's an emergency? If you don't know why people are calling, and you fear for an emergency, then you'll have to answer every call?

    An emergency can happen at any instant. You'd better not sleep, or shower, or EVER go out of cell range, for fear of missing it
    I can think of situations where'd this matter. Suppose you are on a date with the wife and have a baby sitter at home with the kids. If the cell goes off (silent mode, of course) you can look at the number and see if it is from the house or elsewhere.
    Gigabyte GA-K8N Ultra 9, Opteron 170 Denmark 2x2Ghz, 2 GB Corsair XMS, Gigabyte 6600, Gentoo Linux
    Motion Computing M1400 -- Tablet PC, Ubuntu Linux

    "if I said you had a beautiful body would you take your pants off and dance around a bit?" --Zapp Brannigan


    • #32
      I have an idea for a perfect new product: You can switch your cellphone to "silent, emergencies only" mode. When someone calls your number, they get informed that you only want to be called in case of emergency, otherwise please leave a message - hit 0 to call through, or wait any other key to be directed to your voice mail box. This mode could be triggered by the network (like some location-based services and tarriffs), and can be forced by restaurants, hospitals (there is no technical reason to forbid mobile phones in hospitals, BTW. That's just made up so people won't argue that they want to keep them on.), theaters etc. by using devices that broadcast the silent signal just like jammers err.. jam
      There's an Opera in my macbook.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Wombat
        KvH, didn't you read the article? The offending woman was Australian. Clearly she should go back where she came from before she ruins us with her multiculturalistic influence.
        Of course I read the article. You just constantly make the mistake of simply assuming I'm stupid when the truth is you have no idea what I'm talking about. That Australian woman is infinitely less a foreigner to me than the obnoxious bizotch with the cellphone. I would have been embarrassed to be caught with my cell on in the theater, and certainly would have turned it off immediately without needing to be (politely) tapped on the shoulder.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Wombat
          KvH, didn't you read the article? The offending woman was Australian. Clearly she should go back where she came from before she ruins us with her multiculturalistic influence.

          However, there is worse, he is promoting multiculturistic influences from a country where they do not have English as a native tongue, and in Old Europe, to boot. Of course, it is there as a pure provocation - talk about trolls!
          Brian (the devil incarnate)


          • #35
            Originally posted by Brian Ellis

            However, there is worse, he is promoting multiculturistic influences from a country where they do not have English as a native tongue, and in Old Europe, to boot. Of course, it is there as a pure provocation - talk about trolls!

            The woman was Australian, not Austrian.
            P.S. You've been Spanked!


            • #36
              I was talking about his promotion of the cartoons in his sig
              Brian (the devil incarnate)


              • #37
                Originally posted by Brian Ellis
                I was talking about his promotion of the cartoons in his sig
                Wow. I would never have guessed that was what you'd meant.

                That's a bit of a stretch then, isn't it?

                Saying that he supports Denmark, especially in the context of the current free speech debate, really doesn't say anything about his stand on multicultural influences on America.

                All I'm saying is that KvH writes lots of controversial stuff on a regular basis. Rather than harping on every little post that he makes, wait for one that you're legitimately at odds with. Then go on the attack.

                Attacking him without real provocation just seems mean.
                Last edited by schmosef; 14 February 2006, 08:17.
                P.S. You've been Spanked!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Brian Ellis

                  However, there is worse, he is promoting multiculturistic influences from a country where they do not have English as a native tongue, and in Old Europe, to boot. Of course, it is there as a pure provocation - talk about trolls!
                  Why, yes I am.. gee, you got me there.

                  Seeing as the roots of the English Language itself are in southern Jutland, how is this even something worth saying?
                  Last edited by KvHagedorn; 14 February 2006, 13:13.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by KvHagedorn
                    Why, yes I am.. gee, you got me there.

                    Seeing as the roots of the English Language itself are in southern Jutland, how is this even something worth saying?
                    It's not.

                    It was a stupid pot shot.

                    And it was beneath him. I'm disappointed in you Brian.
                    P.S. You've been Spanked!

