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  • Stargate!

    Ok, so I know I'm a little behind the times... y'know, like EIGHT YEARS behind the times... but I've just started watching Stargate SG-1 Season 1.

    It's... growing on me.

    It has a lot to live up to, considering how VERY VERY GOOD the sci-fi shows Julie and I love to watch are (BS:G, Firefly), and considering that the movie is in my all-time top five.

    Thoughts so far:

    @ The feel varies. The pilot, as well as the first episode, felt very dark. Like an extension of the movie in some places. Of course they can't keep that up for the whole series... well ok they COULD. See BS:G for a perfect example! But then in the next episode... BAM! Triteness! I expected plenty of trite episodes with simplistic solutions to problems, it HAS been on for 8.5 seasons after all, but I sort of expected them LATER. But there we are "all women should be free" "we must not interfere" "no, let's interfere and make all women FREE! HUZZAH!" *sigh*

    @ I am saddened. There was swearing and titties in the pilot. Nothing since. This aired on SHOWTIME for the first few years, folks! C'mon!

    @ I was highly amused by the somewhat extensive use of footage from the movie in the pilot. It was done fairly well, if a viewer hadn't seen the film about 50 times they might not notice it all that much.

    @ C'mon, was it REALLY necessary to kill off Kowalski?

    @ They managed to get the kid who played Skaara, but NOT the chick who played Sha'uri? What, was she TOO BUSY? ... quick perusal of IMDB says YES she WAS too busy! Damn, look at that list of credits! Ok, apparently she's one of the most popular Israeli actresses. Who knew? How about Kowalski? *sigh*

    @ I didn't expect movie quality CGI, after all that WAS damn impressive stuff in 1994 (still looks good today, not too overly reliant on the CGI). But the snake suits... wow, ick! No wonder Ra always kicked Apophis' ass! He had WAY cooler suits, and HIS retracted into ear jewelry!

    @ Why is Teal'c the only one who brings the way-cool Goul'd blaster? They have a bunch of 'em, and their machine guns are ALWAYS outclassed.

    @ Favorite moment from Pilot:

    Carter: Wow, you found the control unit! Amazing! It took us 2 years and a dozen supercomputers to MacGyver a working solution for this!
    O'Neill/MacGyver: *snarky look*

    @ Annoyances #2: Reference is made to other missions, despite the fact that supposedly their journey to the mongol planet (see triteness above) was their first mission... but on that trip, O'Neill mentions to Carter something about her getting drunk on some OTHER planet...

    @ I'm a geek. I signed up for Netflix solely to have them send me the 39 (yes THIRTY NINE) discs I lacked. And before you ask - yes, I tried to torrent them. I found one torrent with an irritating high-pitched SQUEAL over the top of every episode... another that was in SPANISH... and a bunch that just never took off.


    I'm sure I'll have more as time goes on. At least the show is RELATIVELY linear and self-referential. I'm hoping they don't do too much "forgetting" of solutions and whatnot from previous episodes.

    Of course the "gold standard" for sci-fi shows is still Star Trek: TNG. And my ONE real quibble with that show was, in fact, their selective self-referentiality. In some ways, the show progressed - the interpersonal relationships grew and evolved, and issues relating to that were remembered from episode to episode and season to season. But every time they saw a wormhole, Geordi had to try some NEW solution. Nevermind that he had a dozen OTHER solutions that all worked previously! I'm really hoping that doesn't happen here.
    The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

    I'm the least you could do
    If only life were as easy as you
    I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
    If only life were as easy as you
    I would still get screwed

  • #2
    If only they hadn't used this uber lofty/elevated music theme in some moments...destroys everything.


    • #3
      Season 3 was the last season worth watching imo


      • #4
        Worth watching the entire season for sure, but there have been some decently good episodes scattered about, especially the premiers and finales.

        It's definitely getting long in the tooth and they're running out of any good ideas they may have had left with Stargate Atlantis around.
        “And, remember: there's no 'I' in 'irony'” ~ Merlin Mann


        • #5
          Originally posted by Gurm
          @ I am saddened. There was swearing and titties in the pilot. Nothing since. This aired on SHOWTIME for the first few years, folks! C'mon!
          There are some season promo pics of the SG1 team with Carter in a tight top that you might like...
          Originally posted by Gurm
          @ Why is Teal'c the only one who brings the way-cool Goul'd blaster? They have a bunch of 'em, and their machine guns are ALWAYS outclassed.
          This is actually addressed a couple of seasons later - basically the Goul'd staff weapons have no sights and aren't very accurate at all. Even later down the line, Teal'c gives up his staff for a P90 (or two)
          Last edited by RichL; 10 March 2006, 03:22.
          Athlon XP-64/3200, 1gb PC3200, 512mb Radeon X1950Pro AGP, Dell 2005fwp, Logitech G5, IBM model M.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jesterzwild
            It's definitely getting long in the tooth and they're running out of any good ideas they may have had left with Stargate Atlantis around.
            I thought Atlantis was good at first, then they decided they needed a Teal'c equivalent (badass Alien warrior better than the humans) and rolled out a generic big-guy with a longcoat, sword across the back, large revolver style gun and to cap it off, a goatee beard and ponytail. And he's called *drumroll* Ronan.
            I lost interest when he became a regular cast member.
            Athlon XP-64/3200, 1gb PC3200, 512mb Radeon X1950Pro AGP, Dell 2005fwp, Logitech G5, IBM model M.


            • #7
              Originally posted by RichL
              I thought Atlantis was good at first, then they decided they needed a Teal'c equivalent (badass Alien warrior better than the humans) and rolled out a generic big-guy with a longcoat, sword across the back, large revolver style gun and to cap it off, a goatee beard and ponytail. And he's called *drumroll* Ronan.
              I lost interest when he became a regular cast member.
              Hmm, we haven't seen that character here...
              So far, I still like StarGate Atlantis.

              The original StarGate series was ok (even though I'm not a Richard Dean Anderson fan), but it was obvious the were running out of ideas (making the SG-1 team also the team to pilot their spaceship seems very far fetched).
              Also, all the concepts were the same: other civilasations are either primitive or highly advanced. And in the latter case: either they are good (and SG gets technology, without giving much in return), or they are bad and SG beats them even though they are using primitive technology.

              Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


              • #8
                I love Stargate SG-1. I own 1-8 on DVD, once in a while they'll go on sale for ~$25. I liked the movie a lot originally but after watching the show for all these years I now think the movie sucks.

                Amanda Tapping, who plays Carter, is really pretty. She's also 40 this year, I think. Impressive.

                Richard Dean Anderson is awesome. He's really funny in the show IMO.

                The storyline does progress really well which is one of the reasons I like the show. You'll eventually meet a whole bunch of side characters that are pretty cool.

                Never got into Atlantis. The characters seem pretty contrived.
                Gigabyte GA-K8N Ultra 9, Opteron 170 Denmark 2x2Ghz, 2 GB Corsair XMS, Gigabyte 6600, Gentoo Linux
                Motion Computing M1400 -- Tablet PC, Ubuntu Linux

                "if I said you had a beautiful body would you take your pants off and dance around a bit?" --Zapp Brannigan


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TnT
                  I love Stargate SG-1. I own 1-8 on DVD, once in a while they'll go on sale for ~$25. I liked the movie a lot originally but after watching the show for all these years I now think the movie sucks.
                  You must NOT speak ill of the movie.

                  Honestly, I try really hard to keep movies and series based on them completely separate. I'm trying to think of examples of this... uh... they'll come to me, I'm sure. Buffy the Vampire Slayer springs to mind immediately. A terrible movie that I happened to love, but it might as well have not even been the same title as the show. Honestly.

                  Young Indiana Jones... the half-dozen cartoons based on movies that I also happened to like... etc.

                  But in this case, I'm sure there will end up being a bunch of stuff that flatly contradicts the movie. They've already taken advantage of a few logical breaks that completely wreak havoc with the tone (I'm halfway through the first season now, BTW) of the movie. So I try to think of them as being different.

                  I get a little shiver of enjoyment whenever they significantly advance the storyline. Recent highlights include:

                  "I am admiral Thor, supreme commander of the Asgard Fleet!"


                  "Thor was an alien?"
                  "That's... another long story. A good one, though!"


                  Amanda Tapping, who plays Carter, is really pretty. She's also 40 this year, I think. Impressive.
                  Mmmmmmm... of course when the series started she was 30-ish, right? Gonna be funny to watch everyone age 10 years over the course of getting caught up!

                  Richard Dean Anderson is awesome. He's really funny in the show IMO.
                  Well, MacGyver wasn't a hit for no reason. It was a TERRIBLE show. RDA made that show!
                  Last edited by Gurm; 11 March 2006, 16:50.
                  The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                  I'm the least you could do
                  If only life were as easy as you
                  I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                  If only life were as easy as you
                  I would still get screwed


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gurm
                    Well, MacGyver wasn't a hit for no reason. It was a TERRIBLE show.
                    TREASON! BLASPHEMY! HERESEY! HERSHEY BAR! Go clean yourself off in some ritualistic way to remove the filth of that comment off of you!

                    ...though RDA was damn good in that roll.
                    “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
                    –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


                    • #11
                      Amanda Tapping.

                      Shes got some huge knockers..



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gurm
                        @ C'mon, was it REALLY necessary to kill off Kowalski?
                        To cut off air for polish jokes?

                        Originally posted by DukeP
                        Amanda Tapping.

                        Shes got some huge knockers..

                        Why this always isn't enough for me...the often appearing Tok'ra or Nox chicks have much more appeal
                        Last edited by Nowhere; 12 March 2006, 05:45.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gurm
                          . . . . .
                          @ C'mon, was it REALLY necessary to kill off Kowalski?
                          . . . . .
                          Well, they killed off this Kowalski.

                          Originally posted by Gurm
                          . . . . .
                          @ They managed to get the kid who played Skaara, but NOT the chick who played Sha'uri? What, was she TOO BUSY? ... quick perusal of IMDB says YES she WAS too busy! Damn, look at that list of credits! Ok, apparently she's one of the most popular Israeli actresses. Who knew? How about Kowalski? *sigh*
                          . . . . .
                          I never noticed.

                          Unfortuantely though many episodes are entertaining, the series does get an eventual blah feel to it though the latest season does manage to throw something new into the mix with the Ori(sp?).


                          • #14
                            Yeah the Ori have been a slightly refreshing addition, as has the newest member of the SGI team - he was a good choice for a replacement character, all things considered.

                            The season finale definitely has enough avenues available to it for continuation, but, sadly, I think they'll go with the most evident one.
                            “And, remember: there's no 'I' in 'irony'” ~ Merlin Mann


                            • #15
                              I didn't watch most of the seasons except for the first two. I've seen several episodes from the seasons 3-8.9.
                              Since Season 8 Ep. 10 I've watched all new episodes.
                              I really like Season 9 with the new enemy.
                              cu/2 magog - Germany - flying with OS/2 Warp a vehicle named eComStation (eCS)
                              Author of the Java Movie Database -
                              JMDB v1.35 FINAL is available (2007-09-20)

