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Good News!

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  • Good News!

    Prompted by Tony's post in Doc's thread, I thought I'd dig up some nice news for once.

    Looks like people of difference faiths can get on together:

    (Posted in the Lounge rather than religious/politics out of hope I guess)

    Anyone else got some heartwarming news?
    DM says: Crunch with Matrox

  • #2
    shouldn't this be in the religious/politics thread?

    i'll reserve comment until it's moved.
    P.S. You've been Spanked!


    • #3
      OK, so maybe I chose the wrong article. I wanted good news stories, and not a(nother) religious debate.

      Problem is, good news really doesn't sell newspapers, or websites for that matter, judging by Google.

      Alright then, I'll chime in with my own (hopefully non-contentious) little story:

      I went on a long bike ride this afternoon. Now I live in relatively central London, nowhere near the countryside, so inevitably this has to involve a lot of roads. It's a long time since I've actually managed to get out for a ride for the sake of it rather than to get somewhere, and I must say, I was really quite impressed by the standard of cycle lanes and so on in the parts of London I went through (mainly SW land). They have really improved in recent years. Well done the local councils concerned.

      There... better? (I admit, perhaps not that interesting, but hey - I'm interested)
      DM says: Crunch with Matrox


      • #4
        Thanks George I'm glad you found cycling in London enjoyable. I used to cycle around Kingston, Teddington and Hampton before we moved. I tended to stick to the Royal Parks and the Thames towpaths (although the latter cost me more than a few tubes!).

        My comment in Doc's thread came at a time after 4 solid days graft in the garden, now up to my waist in clay, and a big family blow up. I think my point holds true though.

        My Good News: I've felt the need to an extra room on my house for a few years but not been able to afford it. Now it is finally happening, and I'm getting some good exercise and losing a few (visible!) pounds in the process! Tomorrow we are visiting Magna ( up in TP's neck of the woods for a well earned break, and work doesn't start back until Wednesday


        • #5
          So I'm guessing you didn't get a mini-excavator and went for the by-hand option then... certainly will lose you a few pounds

          Actually I went along the river as far as possibly using the towpath from Vauxhall bridge to Kew Bridge, then on the way back cut off the curves of the river by going through Barnes/Putney/Chelsea...

          Odd thing was I kept coming across bits of river that were rather familiar... then realised that I'd rowed there 10 years ago (need to get some of that exercise again too ) Let us know what Magna's like - a few years more and I might get to persuade my sister to let me take my neice there for a bit of science-indoctrination when we're all back at the parents'.... (she's only 2 now though so might have to wait a bit!)
          DM says: Crunch with Matrox


          • #6
            ahhh the physical exercise making pounds disappear thing... I know it well. Who knew?!?!

            My Good news: The art loft came together excellently. My friends came out of the woodwork to help make the dream happen. I worked on average 50 hours a week on the loft on top of the normal job. Was losing about a half pound a day even with only eating junk food and take out. Had a house warming party were 75 people showed up, there was a live band and the cops even showed up at 2am for a noise complaint... good times. Had the first drawing group this last Tuesday and another in two days. It's just nice to actually have the dream happen if you know what I mean. Amazing what getting off your duff and doing what you say you will does
            Wikipedia and Google.... the needles to my tangent habit.

            That special feeling we get in the cockles of our hearts, Or maybe below the cockles, Maybe in the sub-cockle area, Maybe in the liver, Maybe in the kidneys, Maybe even in the colon, We don't know.

