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Thoughts on Jamie's School Lunch Project

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  • Thoughts on Jamie's School Lunch Project

    Alright, I don't know who here knows who Jamie Oliver is, but he's a British chef who has his own TV show, and this special was about him trying to reform poor nutrition in a British High School.

    >He sees a problem.. in the school cafeteria, kids eat nothing but burgers, fries, and pizza, and it's all reconstituted crap on par with the unhealthy meals in Supersize Me. No kid will eat vegetables at all.

    >He tries his best to create neat, healthy meals that are tasty enough for kids to eat AND come in under the miserly budget of 65p per student that the school is allowed to spend on food. (You know those third world charities that say they can feed kids on pennies a day? Yeah.. gruel! Some govt person must think that's the proper standard or something.)

    >He comes up with some really neat things.. spinach canneloni, casseroles, etc., but kids won't eat it, and the head mistress chides him that it's all too expensive.

    What's wrong with this picture?

    a)Cheap fricken bastards in government need to put more money toward school lunches, or require kids to either bring their lunches or fork over a pound to get a school lunch.

    b)When I was a kid, I was forced to eat my vegetables. Have some nazis monitor lunches and rap kids on the hand if they throw out their veggies. If you are a fairy wuss who thinks corporal punishment is worse than a lifetime of poor health, do us all a favor and slit your throat. Alright, make them stand in the corner with their nose on a spot for 5 minutes then. Whatever.

    c)Why are you offering them a choice anyhow? If you offered them chocolate bars that's what they'd eat. You're surprised they pick burgers over spinach? DUH! Make them eat healthy or go hungry.

    d)Jamie did say something that made sense (and I think that's for the next show), that you need to get kids earlier in life before they have begun the bad habits. You can do the nazi thing in kindergarten and train them to accept that they must eat veggies. So he's going to try it on elementary students now.

    Kids need guidance. It doesn't matter what they WANT. I WANT to have a 4hr extended blowjob from Claudia Schiffer every day, and have a perfect body even though I lounge around on pillows and do nothing but watch TV, but that's not happening either. Screw you, brat. You WILL eat this lunch. You WILL run laps in gym. You WILL do what your elders say, at least your elders that still have the balls to stand up to a whiny kid and make him do what's best for himself. Amazing. Flabby minds to go with the flabby bodies.
    Last edited by KvHagedorn; 2 May 2006, 00:05.

  • #2
    Interesting, I didn't think this would be aired in the US, too. That Jamie Oliver guy must be stinkin' rich by now

    Originally posted by KvHagedorn
    Alright, I don't know who here knows who Jamie Oliver is, but he's a British chef who has his own TV show, and this special was about him trying to reform poor nutrition in a British High School.

    >He sees a problem.. in the school cafeteria, kids eat nothing but burgers, fries, and pizza, and it's all reconstituted crap on par with the unhealthy meals in Supersize Me. No kid will eat vegetables at all.
    Here's the first problem: Why? Because the children don't know (good tasting) veggies from home.
    We've had school projects that gave the children apples, just to show them what an apple tastes like! Isn't this crazy? What do parents do nowadays? All these problems start with the parents. Unfortunately I don't know how the government could change this - and unfortunately, that is obviously necessary.

    >He tries his best to create neat, healthy meals that are tasty enough for kids to eat AND come in under the miserly budget of 65p per student budget that the school is allowed to spend on food. (You know those third world charities that say they can feed kids on pennies a day? Yeah.. gruel! Some govt person must think that's the proper standard or something.)
    Re third world countries: What are you suggesting? There is only so much money being spent on feeding the hungry. Sure, we could spend more, but we don't. We could of course create really tasty meals for a few hundred thousand, and let millions starve then...

    >He comes up with some really neat things.. spinach canneloni, casseroles, etc., but kids won't eat it, and the head mistress chides him that it's all too expensive.
    That the children don't eat it is appaling, but not really surprising: They just don't know this stuff. Would you eat grilled locusts? I hear they're tasty. I would never touch them, though. This of course must be recognized as transitional problems, after a few weeks the children will know what peas taste like, etc.

    That the headmistress doesn't want him to overspend on his budget is hardly surprising: The school has to pay the difference for itself! They just can't afford this.

    What's wrong with this picture?

    a)Cheap fricken bastards in government need to put more money toward school lunches, or require kids to either bring their lunches or fork over a pound to get a school lunch.
    This would of course be nice, but we both know it's unrealistic. Also, I believe it is possible to create relatively tasty and healthy food for surprisingly little money. Jamie Oliver just is no canteen kitchen cook, he doesn't know how to cook masses of food for cheap, which was very apparent in the TV show.

    b)When I was a kid, I was forced to eat my vegetables. Have some nazis monitor lunches and rap kids on the hand if they throw out their veggies. If you are a fairy wuss who thinks corporal punishment is worse than a lifetime of poor health, do us all a favor and slit your throat. Alright, make them stand in the corner with their nose on a spot for 5 minutes then. Whatever.
    Completely unnecessary.

    c)Why are you offering them a choice anyhow? If you offered them chocolate bars that's what they'd eat. You're surprised they pick burgers over spinach? DUH! Make them eat healthy or go hungry.

    d)Jamie did say something that made sense (and I think that's for the next show), that you need to get kids earlier in life before they have begun the bad habits. You can do the nazi thing in kindergarten and train them to accept that they must eat veggies. So he's going to try it on elementary students now.
    Correct, I also pointed this out at the top. No need for "the Nazi thing" though, especially not with such young children. Cooking courses for parents might also help a bit.

    Kids need guidance. It doesn't matter what they WANT.
    Of course it does matter what they want, but yes, they do need guidance.

    I WANT to have a 4hr extended blowjob from Claudia Schiffer every day,
    Be realistic man: That would be painful!

    and have a perfect body even though I lounge around on pillows and do nothing but watch TV, but that's not happening either. Screw you, brat. You WILL eat this lunch. You WILL run laps in gym. You WILL do what your elders say, at least your elders that still have the balls to stand up to a whiny kid and make him do what's best for himself. Amazing. Flabby minds to go with the flabby bodies.
    While I wouldn't say it like you did, you're not completely wrong
    There's an Opera in my macbook.


    • #3
      Jamie Oliver is not stinking rich. He is a celebrity and a philanthropist who has done a helluva lot for kids, including spending lots of his own money teaching kids from the poorest quarters to cook, as well as to appreciate decent food with a balanced diet. This business of school meals is an offshoot that he was almost forced to do after he became a celebrity. Incidentally, he has been awarded either a CBE or MBE by the queen for his work in promoting cooking, much more deservedly than, say, Mick Jagger's equivalent gong. I have much respect for his "pukka" food and himself.
      Brian (the devil incarnate)


      • #4
        For the record: Being rich is no sin. Getting rich doing good is a just reward. I did not post that to deride him, I just found it interesting that he would also be aired in the USA, since a lot of european music or TV formats isn't all that popular over there.
        There's an Opera in my macbook.


        • #5
          I saw an interview with Jamie Oliver on ... one of those news magazine shows. Don't know which, but I've always found his cooking shows fun to watch on the FOod Network so I watched the interview (60 Minutes, that was it). Anyway ... I guess around the 6th month of his project the kids started warming up to his cooking and the program has become rather successful. The main problem was changing the preceptions of what foods were good.

          Wish I had cool food like that in school.

          “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
          –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


          • #6
            You need to watch the whole series KvH. As Jamm says, it was fairly successful, and certainly won the hearts and minds of the nation. Parents, Schools, School Catering companies, Local Education Authorities and the Government are all taking the issue far more seriously now.

            I my school (I'm a governor at my kids school, so forgive the 'my'), things have improved since this started. We don't have cooking facilities (a major obstacle to implementing Jamies initiatives) but the caterers have definitely improved. As a Governing body we are hoping to soon start a feasibility study into upgrading our kitchens.

            The sad thing is twice as many kids want school dinners on Fridays compared to any other day, simply because that is the only day we serve chips

