Originally posted by Umfriend
Note I have not uttered a breath about the Netherlands Health Service.
OK, another anecdote: at the age of 92, my mother was having severe arrhythmia and a cardiologist decided she needed a pacemaker. This could not be inserted at Hawick hospital, where she lived, or even the Borders General; she had to go to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. She was taken there (~100 km) in a vehicle with wooden slatted seats, taken straight in to cardiology, where it was inserted and adjusted, then sent back, in the same vehicle the same evening, to the Borders General. The travelling was repeated a week later for the final settings. So she did 400 km in an uncomfortable vehicle designed for the strictly local transport of the incontinent elderly, including one trip just a few hours after the operation. Why was she not bedded in the ERI for the week: can it cost that much more than at the BGH? OK, this is not a case of delays but simply patient comfort.