Ever curious, I thought I'd have a little amusement comparing Google, Accoona and Yahoo to find the number of results for a few keywords:
G 272k
A 9.9k
Y 76k
Edinburgh Festival:
G 20M
A 16M
Y 10.6 M
G 71k
A 2.4k
Y 17k
"Lead-free solder"
G 486k
A 4.5M
Y 2.6M
"Any Ol' Iron" (title of Cockney song):
G 5
A 3 (none of which related to the song)
Y 20
Lebanon Israel
G 449M
A 60M
Y 93M
Can any conclusion be drawn from this? Not really, other than none of them consistently gives the highest or lowest numbers. Are the numbers important? If you have more than about 100 results, it is unlikely that you will seek beyond this arbitrary limit without trying to refine your search. Accoona has some good refining tools. In fact, lower numbers but more precisely targeted would be the ideal.
G 272k
A 9.9k
Y 76k
Edinburgh Festival:
G 20M
A 16M
Y 10.6 M
G 71k
A 2.4k
Y 17k
"Lead-free solder"
G 486k
A 4.5M
Y 2.6M
"Any Ol' Iron" (title of Cockney song):
G 5
A 3 (none of which related to the song)
Y 20
Lebanon Israel
G 449M
A 60M
Y 93M
Can any conclusion be drawn from this? Not really, other than none of them consistently gives the highest or lowest numbers. Are the numbers important? If you have more than about 100 results, it is unlikely that you will seek beyond this arbitrary limit without trying to refine your search. Accoona has some good refining tools. In fact, lower numbers but more precisely targeted would be the ideal.