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11 Egyptian 'students' go AWOL

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  • #16
    Dunno what it's like across the pond but over here if you're white and say anything against someone who's a none white you're considered a racist. Even if what you're saying is true.

    Not surprising considering every anti racism campaign shows whites as being the sole racists. This has caused a huge mental block of fear of telling the truth. It also generate a lot of people who just cannot see racism from non whites.

    Terms like Islamphobia have been developed to make you feel ashamed of being suspicous and wary. It's even being now being put around if you're afraid you're being parnoid and racist.

    Like DR M says 98% of recent cases of terrorism have been Muslim based. The lack of condemation from such groups doesn't help and neither does the constant protesting and condenation of every raid.

    The sad fact most racism I've seen and also have been on the recieving end has been from the Pakistani community. Possibly becuase I have to walk through those areas. This started before any bombings and I couldn't see why the sudden change in attitude.

    After that the next most common racism is between West Indians and Pakistani's and the last from whites which i haven't witnessed for several years now.
    Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
    Weather nut and sad git.

    My Weather Page


    • #17
      A friend of mine lived in London for a few years a while ago. One evening as he walked home, he was attacked by a gang of blacks, they didn't steal his wallet, just beat the crap out of him for being white. He was more than grateful for surviving the incident without any fractured bones or worse. I guess that if they knew he's gay, it could/would have been worse.
      "For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism."


      • #18
        on the note of racisim and 'whites'
        there is always a certain level of 'us and them' it's a 'normal' part of society, we tend to stick with our comfort groups.
        The problem comes, when either people start becoming overly suspicous (to a real paranoia point) and start acting on it, and inversly when simply making a cultural perception comment gets you labled as a racist (of course depends on the comment, use common sense here people).

        Interestingly, the people here who are most racist against 'whites', is us er long term or lifer 'whites'. anyone fresh off the boat is usually shunned. then again, usually we have a good reason for that
        Juu nin to iro

        English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


        • #19
          Originally posted by The PIT
          Dunno what it's like across the pond but over here if you're white and say anything against someone who's a none white you're considered a racist. Even if what you're saying is true.

          Not surprising considering every anti racism campaign shows whites as being the sole racists. This has caused a huge mental block of fear of telling the truth. It also generate a lot of people who just cannot see racism from non whites.

          Terms like Islamphobia have been developed to make you feel ashamed of being suspicous and wary. It's even being now being put around if you're afraid you're being parnoid and racist.

          Like DR M says 98% of recent cases of terrorism have been Muslim based. The lack of condemation from such groups doesn't help and neither does the constant protesting and condenation of every raid.

          The sad fact most racism I've seen and also have been on the recieving end has been from the Pakistani community. Possibly becuase I have to walk through those areas. This started before any bombings and I couldn't see why the sudden change in attitude.

          After that the next most common racism is between West Indians and Pakistani's and the last from whites which i haven't witnessed for several years now.
          If a group knows it can attack you with impunity, it will.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sasq
            on the note of racisim and 'whites'
            there is always a certain level of 'us and them' it's a 'normal' part of society, we tend to stick with our comfort groups.
            The problem comes, when either people start becoming overly suspicous (to a real paranoia point) and start acting on it, and inversly when simply making a cultural perception comment gets you labled as a racist (of course depends on the comment, use common sense here people).

            Interestingly, the people here who are most racist against 'whites', is us er long term or lifer 'whites'. anyone fresh off the boat is usually shunned. then again, usually we have a good reason for that
            I think this sort of problem crosses all Communities to be honest. It's when people are fed with propaganda from the likes of Bin Laden and so called respecful religous leaders it makes the problem worse. The relious belief in the Muslim community is very strong so if they're told to jump many would quite happily.

            It's also interesting how peoples attitudes are changing. The number of People who would have shunned any non white cristism are now decreasing. Several years ago I was stating suicide bombers would arrive in Britain no one wanted to know. At the moment they're stuck between appeasing and doing something about it. Either way theres a lot of trouble ahead. I'm glad I haven't any Children.
            Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
            Weather nut and sad git.

            My Weather Page

