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cat training techniques

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Jesterzwild
    To a point I agree, but I do disagree that dogs are as simple as you've put forth. I've never owned any breed beyond labradors and (golden) retrievers, and I've never found them to be the type to grovel or be aggressive (except when there is a threat). My dogs have been caring, playful, protective, cuddly, and even nurturing.

    Oddly, I've never found a cat to be a social equal, and I have found them to be annoying and aggressive. Of course, that's definitely not the case across the board, as I have owned several wonderful felines.

    I think it comes down to the attitude you have. If you're not fond of dogs then you're not going to like them as much as a cat, and vice versa. I find they both have their good qualities that can make anyone's life more enjoyable.
    You're right of course.. I'm heavily influenced by the dog I know best.. a friend's 2yo female schnauser. Sweet, sweet dog.. but there's only so much of being jumped on and drooled on that I can stand. I would love to pet her if she would just sit still.. but she's hyper as hell. And once again.. I used to have a paper route that I walked.. so you could probably see how I got a bit paranoid of barking dogs that would try and chase you. In packs they can be dangerous.. I had to carry rocks.

    My aunt has had lots of dogs, and I have known others as well. Breeds do matter.. they have their own particular characteristics (wow.. it's perfectly acceptable to say this about non-humans ) and some are far more mellow than others. My aunt's border collie was one of the smartest animals I've ever known, too, btw.


    • #17
      Originally posted by KvHagedorn
      (wow.. it's perfectly acceptable to say this about non-humans )
      Thats because the rest of us understand that with humans from specific regions its more nuture then nature, as opposed to domesticated animals that have been breed for specific traits.

      Well with the exception of texans, and then its just the sun bleaches their brain cells to death.
      Juu nin to iro

      English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


      • #18
        I prefer cats to dogs primarily because they don't bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark, and they don't say "Hi!" by trying to jump up and slobber all over your face. I've met dogs that don't fit that stereotype, but more often than not at least one of those behaviors seems to be a standard feature. Take my dad's terrier for example...

        That's the dog after it's expended it's energy reserves by spending the last ten minutes in an insane "OMG, there's somebody else here, MUST JUMP UP ONTO THEIR FACE AND SHOW MY AFFECTION BY SLOBBERING UP THEIR NOSE!!!!11!!111!!" frenzy, although thankfully without barking. I won't even go into the "bark*10^infinity" dogs...


        • #19
          Yeah, hate those humans who just BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH x10 all the time

          Yes, dogs barking is annoying, and there are some dogs (ok, make that a lot of them) that bark for no apparent reason, but you have to keep in mind that it is their form of communication.

          That said, I wish I had a bag and a deep lake close by for some yorkies a couple houses down...
          “And, remember: there's no 'I' in 'irony'” ~ Merlin Mann


          • #20
            Not personal story, but funny in that cute way:
            My brother in-law's dog isn't allowed on the couch and before whenever it'd get on the couch he'd take the dog and put it in the bathroom. The dog now doesn't jump onto the couch as much, but once-in-a-while it will get on when no one is looking and then when someone comes it gets off and walks itself to the bathroom.

            In the dog's head it must be thinking, "It was sooo worth it."
            Gigabyte GA-K8N Ultra 9, Opteron 170 Denmark 2x2Ghz, 2 GB Corsair XMS, Gigabyte 6600, Gentoo Linux
            Motion Computing M1400 -- Tablet PC, Ubuntu Linux

            "if I said you had a beautiful body would you take your pants off and dance around a bit?" --Zapp Brannigan


            • #21
              I consider myself a cat person almost exclusively, although I speak fluent Dog. In fact, in all the years I delivered furniture I encountered some of the ugliest, meanest looking junkyard dogs you'd ever hope never to meet in a dark alley. They'd run up barking their fool heads off, I'd let them sniff my hand and greet them with a cheerful "hiya, killer!" They'd take their sniff, lift their leg on my truck tire, and all would be good. The dogs I had the most trouble with was the little yippie dogs that were always under foot, trying to trip me.

              One homeowner locked his mini poople in the bedroom while I was there. Someone opened the door and the mutt was out like a shot, yipping like a shrunken demon. He ran across the room, grabbed the cuff of my pant leg and gave it a yank and ran off to the farthest corner of the house he could find, yapping like crazy the whole time. The homeowner was beside himself, worried that this sorry excuse for a pooch had injured me!

              By far the smartest dog I ever met was a Cocker Spaniel owned by my friend Steve. Tara got a LOT of attention as a puppie and Steve and my bro-in-law Wally, who were sharing a mobile home at the time, resolved to teach Tara a trick a day and by God they succeeded. They could perch a doggie treat on Tara's nose and leave it there almost indefinitely, with poor Tara drooling uncontrollably, her nose slowly tilting upward and then dropping level any time someone said "nose down." Finally someone would say "get it!" Tara would flip the treat in the air and snatch it down in one gulp and be ready to do it again.

              Wally recently got another Cocker named Peanut. He's been trying dutifully to make her another Tara, but Peanut is a poor imitation. Cocker Spaniels are by nature one of the most stubborn, hard-headed breeds I've ever seen.

              Last edited by KRSESQ; 22 September 2006, 21:25.


              • #22
                Originally posted by TnT
                Not personal story, but funny in that cute way:
                My brother in-law's dog isn't allowed on the couch and before whenever it'd get on the couch he'd take the dog and put it in the bathroom. The dog now doesn't jump onto the couch as much, but once-in-a-while it will get on when no one is looking and then when someone comes it gets off and walks itself to the bathroom.

                In the dog's head it must be thinking, "It was sooo worth it."
                That's another thing: most of the bad behavior, like dogs barking non-stop at errant air molecules, cats scratching furniture, or whatever, can almost always be prevented by proper training and discipline, just like kids!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Jon P. Inghram
                  I prefer cats to dogs primarily because they don't bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark,
                  I prefer dogs to cats because they don't miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul, miaoul all night under our bedroom window, use our garden as a public toilet, stinking the place out, breed like rabbits, spread ringworm fungus, intestinal worms and other parasites and upset our dog who wants only to play with them. You would feel the same if you had a neighbour who has adopted about 15 feral cats which have currently risen to about 25. I agree that dogs who yap constantly are just as bad. Our's barks for a few seconds when a stranger comes to gate or a strange vehicle comes into the cul-de sac (doesn't bother with regulars such as the postman, garbage collectors etc.). Unfortunately, he also barks when he sees a cat actually in our garden and he is indoors (we have glazed doors) and that is a nuisance for us. If he is outdoors, he doesn't bark, just zooms towards it at 150 km/h and the cat zooms off at 151 km/h, waits until he is out of sight and then comes back to dig up a lettuce to crap on it.

                  I used to tolerate cats - no longer. If I had the means to chase them off, I would do so. I've tried chemical and herbal cat repellents (read magnets) and ultrasonic scarers, which are a waste of money. Although I would not do so, I can understand why people leave poisoned bait.
                  Brian (the devil incarnate)


                  • #24
                    tried the repellant you spray on plants with a particulary difficult neighbour hood cat.
                    repelant would work for maybe 24 hours, then need another dose, i just started waiting quietly for the cat.

                    two doeses of repellant sprayed directly on said beast, never saw it in my garden again - saw it in the other neighbours though
                    Juu nin to iro

                    English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Sasq
                      Thats because the rest of us understand that with humans from specific regions its more nuture then nature, as opposed to domesticated animals that have been breed for specific traits.

                      Well with the exception of texans, and then its just the sun bleaches their brain cells to death.
                      Ah, I see.. so all right- (sorry, left-) minded people believe wholeheartedly in evolution, except where human beings are concerned?

                      As an Aussie, maybe you should take a stroll in the outback with a native inhabitant of your land and see who is more well adapted to living there. The sun is stronger in Oz than it is in Texas, after all.


                      • #26
                        And in other cat related news:

                        WTOP delivers the latest news, traffic and weather information to the Washington, D.C. region. See today’s top stories.


                        • #27
                          What's a "mostly dead cat"?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Nowhere
                            What's a "mostly dead cat"?
                            More then majority...
                            Diplomacy, it's a way of saying “nice doggie”, until you find a rock!


                            • #29
                              hypo-allergenic cats


                              This week witnessed an event that will have some animal lovers cheering: the arrival on the market of long-promised 'allergy-free' pet cats. But you might be surprised at how low-tech these cute kitties are — especially considering the almost US$4,000 price tag


                              Advance orders now stretch into 2008, Brodie says, with some customers offering to pay $6,000 to shorten the wait.
                              $6000? wow!

                              Would you pay that kind of money if your gf/wife (bf/husband) was allergic and you loved animals?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by NetSnake
                                Would you pay that kind of money if your gf/wife (bf/husband) was allergic and you loved animals?

                                I have 3 cats and a Pug, and I've met a couple girls who are allergic to Animals and well things didn't get very far with them

                                My GF has 2 Jack Russels and a Persian, so we get along pretty good

                                Far cheaper to find someone who isn't allergic vs one who is...if you have that option
                                Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?

