Rebuilding shop classes in U.S. high schools
SAN DIEGO, California (AP) -- Oscar Sandoval wanted to learn how to fix cars, but his high school's auto shop became a student health clinic long ago.
He couldn't transfer to a school with an auto shop so he resigned himself to tinkering at home.
"Just because I don't live in that area doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to take it," complained Sandoval, a senior at Hoover High School.
Vocational education classes, once commonplace, began to languish as standardized tests started to determine success and failure and college became a singular goal. Now called career technical education courses, they are beginning to enjoy a renaissance.
Legislators in North Carolina and Florida are reviving programs gutted years ago. The movement is also gaining momentum in California, thanks in part to a 2006 state budget that includes $100 million for program expansion.
Congress also has voted to reauthorize $1.3 billion for career-based courses in high schools and community colleges, which President Bush had pushed to eliminate so more funds could be steered toward reading and math courses.
At Hoover High, Principal Doug Williams is committed to bringing back auto shop classes.
"When our students are connected to a person or a program, they seem to do better than those kids that are not connected, are struggling academically and are potential dropouts," he said.
Around the country, high schools are being transformed into career academies or adding smaller vocational schools within their buildings. In Chicago, Mayor Richard Daley recently announced an initiative that will let high school students become qualified to work in particular industries. Students would then use their certificates to find high-skill, high-paying jobs.
In some places where course offerings are slim, community colleges or regional occupational training centers offer career education to high school juniors and seniors.
It will still take a lot of work to resuscitate even a semblance of the programs that existed 30 years ago, vocational education advocates say.
Rebuilding shop classes in U.S. high schools
SAN DIEGO, California (AP) -- Oscar Sandoval wanted to learn how to fix cars, but his high school's auto shop became a student health clinic long ago.
He couldn't transfer to a school with an auto shop so he resigned himself to tinkering at home.
"Just because I don't live in that area doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to take it," complained Sandoval, a senior at Hoover High School.
Vocational education classes, once commonplace, began to languish as standardized tests started to determine success and failure and college became a singular goal. Now called career technical education courses, they are beginning to enjoy a renaissance.
Legislators in North Carolina and Florida are reviving programs gutted years ago. The movement is also gaining momentum in California, thanks in part to a 2006 state budget that includes $100 million for program expansion.
Congress also has voted to reauthorize $1.3 billion for career-based courses in high schools and community colleges, which President Bush had pushed to eliminate so more funds could be steered toward reading and math courses.
At Hoover High, Principal Doug Williams is committed to bringing back auto shop classes.
"When our students are connected to a person or a program, they seem to do better than those kids that are not connected, are struggling academically and are potential dropouts," he said.
Around the country, high schools are being transformed into career academies or adding smaller vocational schools within their buildings. In Chicago, Mayor Richard Daley recently announced an initiative that will let high school students become qualified to work in particular industries. Students would then use their certificates to find high-skill, high-paying jobs.
In some places where course offerings are slim, community colleges or regional occupational training centers offer career education to high school juniors and seniors.
It will still take a lot of work to resuscitate even a semblance of the programs that existed 30 years ago, vocational education advocates say.