My grandfather bought one of these almost 10 years ago and got tired of it when it started to misbehave.
So after trying to sell it and only getting ridiculusly low bids on it he got pissed off and gave it to me

I really wasnt given much choice in the matter
He thought that the joint between the exhaust and the engine was broken and that the air/gas mixer (I have forgotten the english word )was broken.
Turns out that it was the connector to the heater (so you dont freeze to death in it) that had broken (I'll have to remove his patching and se to that it is properly done, I could smell exhaust fumes in the car).
The other thing was that the sparkplug cap was broken (it was that that had made it so grumpy).
He had the idea that something was fouling up in the gas and rocking it to the side made it better, what he really did was to rattle the sparkplug cap untill it had a connection.
a bit of folium around the sparkplug and the cap fit much better.
The door lock on the driver side was broken but easily fixed (I've rigged up a steering wheel lock, so getting into it is the least problrem

He has also managed to drive of the driverside external rearview mirror, but it's reatachable

The electric system is 12v so I can have some fun with electrics in it.
The designers "forgot" to isolate the engine compartment so that is on the list also, you dont need to have a helmet but you sure need earplugs and earcaps

and it's definitly streetlegal, not an inch over the aloved 19mph

Not that I'd recomend any higher speed in that thing.
Now this thing on the picture belove is a motorcycle car:

And I dont even want to know how it felt going 60mph in it
