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Black Friday (early) results

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  • Black Friday (early) results

    I posted this as a reply to different thread but decided to make a start a new thread about this.

    It has been 6 years since I tried a Black Friday sale. Since the wife and I had no plans (Very refreshing, but I digress) for Thanksgiving we sat down last night to look over the deals. We decide to give it a go.

    My eyes snap open at 3:40am I jump out of bed with the anticipation of a kid on Christmas morning. The only difference is Santa will be holding his hand out for my wallet before I get my presents.

    I gently nudge my co-driver (Of 27 years, thank you) in the rat race of life and whisper gently that it's time to go shopping. Her response sounded something like "I don't can be for some awake in here" which translates as "I will not be going with you".

    Undaunted I hurriedly throw on some clothes, grab a cup of java from the carafe and fire up the car. As I motorvate (New word, just made it up) down the road I start planning where I will load up all my booty. Thank goodness I cleaned out all the junk (Spare tire, jack, first aid kit, etc.) from the Explorer before I went to bed last night.

    I approach my first stop. A Best buy sharing a complex with 10 or so other stores. I notice the ENTIRE lot is full. "Wow! Must be allot of stores having a sale. Miraculously I find a spot in the front row. How could I be so lucky? Who cares? I will run in and out and head to my next retail destination for more treasure. I get out and head to the back of the line.

    Rounding the first corner of the building I see the line stretching waaaay back. I am a bit disappointed I hadn't got there sooner. Darn it! I knew I should have gotten here before 4:00.

    Since the Sun hasn't even started peeping out yet I don't notice that the line runs around the 2nd corner of the building until I am nearly there. Nuts! This might be a bit longer than I thought.

    As I make my way down the line the 3rd corner of the building reveals that line is not coming to an end.


    At this point I realize 3 things:

    1. I will not be going into the store. With the amount of deal-hunting-warriors in front of me I will not have enough time to buy my stuff, get home, and wrap the presents before December 25th

    2. I am far enough around the store that I can continue in the same direction and get "back" to my car quicker.

    3. I wasted 3 perfectly good hours of sleep.

    While the line doesn't extend around the 4th corner (yet) of the building it will probably make it there before the doors open.

    To satisfy my mordrid, oops I meant morbid curiosity I walk past my car and up to some folks near the front of the line. I ask shopper(s) #106 - 109 what time they got here this morning. They giggle as they spit out the time they arrived LAST NIGHT to be "near the front" of the cattle line.

    As I approach my car I hear the sound of screeching brakes. Looking up I see a car jockeying for the spot I am about to vacate. As I enter my ride I point towards the 4th corner of the building for the benefit of the unsuspecting consumer. Starting the car I laugh to myself.

    Driving home I realize 2 things:



    In closing,

    Computer: $500.00

    Internet connection: $20.00 (Monthly charge)

    Cup of coffee you make before you begin your task: $0.13

    Sitting back and doing the majority of your shopping from the comfort of your home: PRICELESS
    Perspective cannot be taught. It must be learned.

  • #2
    All the better, many retailers with an online presence are now taking part in what has become known as Cyber Monday (which would be the one after this weekend). You might not find as good a deal as those that some Black Friday shoppers are, but then you also aren't having to deal with the madness, which in itself is worth something. is the big 'portal' for this new shopping day apparently.
    “And, remember: there's no 'I' in 'irony'” ~ Merlin Mann


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jessterw View Post
      .....You might not find as good a deal as those that some Black Friday shoppers are.....

      I'm not sure about that ..... .

      I did get a 20.1 BenQ Wide LCD display a few weeks back for $199 plus around $14 shipping. Instant rebate, no mail in to deal with.

      THE SAME place had THE SAME monitor on Black Friday special for..... $239 !!!!!

      Internet shopping is good, you just need to watch it to know if a good deal shows up!
      Diplomacy, it's a way of saying “nice doggie”, until you find a rock!


      • #4
        2 weeks ago, I got a Canon SD600 + a Kingston 1GB SD card for $210.00 from NewEgg. The camera is still $210, but the SD card is no longer available with it.

        BTW, thanks for sharing your story so I never have to wonder if it's worth it. The other thing I found interesting is that I poured over all of the deals from dozens of stores and it seemed all hype to me. I didn't really see any truly good deals.
        Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


        • #5
          We've been doing most of our Christmas shopping online for years. Absolutely no regrets since we mainly deal with Amazon & their affiliates, Carol Wright, dealers we have dealt with before etc. and the online stores of brick & mortars.

          Another good percentage of our 'gifts' are cash cards. Our bank issues them as "Master Cards" with the persons name, an account number & expiration date so they can use 'em just like a credit/debit card anywhere.

          Cost: free. We get 'em for their cash value as part of our account services. We take in the list, go for lunch and the bank transfers the money from our account & they're ready by the time we return.
          Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 25 November 2006, 10:52.
          Dr. Mordrid
          An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

          I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

