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things i learned in the UAE

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  • things i learned in the UAE

    1. wisky (which i never drank befor) is quite a good freind... as is tequila.... ... and no i wont be joining up with the A.A. and time soon.... maybe the A.·.A.·. but thats a whle difrent issue now... :P

    2. people are no good.. but if you know how to cary your self around even those who know nothing else but to screw others will bow down to you... it just takes alot of perciverance and holding on to your integrity even when you are bing hit by a cat X hurican of shit

    3. love is a very strange beast... my ability to love endlesly has been eminacipated... while everyone here is looking for someone to ****.. i have realised that sex is so not important in the face of love..

    4. people are no good part 2. in the sates people are sue happy... here they are fier happy... no job security or protection for employees in any kind of way....

    5. people are no good part 3. every one is pious... so pious that they think they are god... but unfortunatly they lack even the basic morality of god'd teachings...

    6. i never learned how to drive... beacue i never thought it was somthing important to learn... now that i learned how too... i just love the speed... and here even trucks avarage speed is around 120KPH ... aperantly i love spead... too bad my leased car dosent go beyond 170... glad i got to drive a mini couper sports... it does good spead....

    7. love is a strange beast part 2. its soooo nice to love and be loved back.. by more than one person. and its even nicer when all the ones you love know about eachother and talk together and "plot" behind your back ... love is a strange beast...

    8. i never thought that i would enjoy living on my own this much... i am quite happy with my litle studio app... even with its astronomicly high price..... i love being alone... its why people say i am anti social... funy though about that anti social stuff.. i can make freinds with any one and every one very easily... much esier than than the bigots who call me anti social but they cant even comunicate properly with eachother.. lol

    9. a desert is a desert... no mater how many high rise buldings you put up... and it does not mater if you have a closed sky slope... a desert is a desert... but this place is wors than a mirage.... it is sooooo easy to impress people... people who think they are realistk... but even a dreamer like me looks at them and just thinks... "WTF are they on... they are so out of touch with reality"

    10. everyone wants to give you a loan, a credit card... and the capacity to increas your ability to have more dept.. and they all want to give you that for free .... with the capacity to pay many... many years in to the future... + intrest... + charges... + comisions... + desposits... + many other things... so many things that it ends up defeating the purpous of taking a loan...

    11. people are no good part 4. everyone has good intentions... they smile... they are happy for you... but be sure as hell that the greater the smile the greater the plot being cooked against you in secret....

    12. love is a strange beast part 3. beause it just is... and 3 is a significant number.. and love is beutifull ... and in a place like this .... to just feel love... wether its from your neighbour... (a wonderfull lady and her doughter) or wether its from a former co-worker who now lives 125KM away (and inspight of her missfourtune would go out of her way to make you feel comfortable) or wether its someone who is so far away (that thinking about the distance gives chilles) or wther its an old freind who cant find herself anymore... or if its your coworker (a guy i call the magican) who is not afraid to show his emotionality.... i finaly learned to express my love without reservation.... cause love is a strange beast... and denying my fealings is like denying my existance...

    i love therefor i am....
    "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"

  • #2
    i am on the ous skirts of dubai... in the relativly new dubai marina... however.. i comute almost every weekend to the suburbs of abuh dahbi....

    as for some pics... ugh... nothing mutch to take pictures off... lots of malls.... i mean... LOTS...
    "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"

