At around 22.00, I heard water dripping noises. Quite fast, I found the source: my main waterline, just BEFORE the master tap.
Due to the rental system, the water company can't help: I need to contact the building's syndicate. But they have no emergency number, so I can only reach them at 10.00 !
To give an idea: a large bucket is filled up in about 40 minutes, with a lot of dripping noises. AND THIS IS MY BEDROOM!
So I guess I won't get any shuteye, both due to the fact that I need to empty the bucket and due to the noise.
At around 22.00, I heard water dripping noises. Quite fast, I found the source: my main waterline, just BEFORE the master tap.
Due to the rental system, the water company can't help: I need to contact the building's syndicate. But they have no emergency number, so I can only reach them at 10.00 !
To give an idea: a large bucket is filled up in about 40 minutes, with a lot of dripping noises. AND THIS IS MY BEDROOM!
So I guess I won't get any shuteye, both due to the fact that I need to empty the bucket and due to the noise.