Ok, so here's what happened. None of us got a flu shot this year. Logan already had some kind of illness at his scheduled appointment so they couldn't give him the live virus vaccine, and then we got busy with Thanksgiving. I know, no excuse.
Over Cristmas, I had what was probably a sinus infection, but by the time the 26th rolled around and the doctor was open again, it was getting much better. That freaked me out - my teeth hurt and I blew bloody snot out of my left sinus. Ick!
Well, fast forward to last week. Logan spent 3 days home from school with a low-grade temp. Never high, never much over 100-101. No pain, no nausea. He was a little run-down, but with a quick shot of children's Tylenol he'd be happy again for 4 hours, perky and running around. This persisted for several days and then cleared up. We took him to the pediatrician and they determined it was harmless and viral, did a ton of bloodwork and pronounced him "a bit sick" but ok.
Then, a couple days after he cleared up, he got sick again - this time a traditional flu. 2 days of (higher) fever, some nausea (he threw up once in the night) chills/sweats, aches/pains.
Last week, our temporary houseguest got ill for a couple days - flu. Probably around the same time as Logan.
So, fast forward to this past Monday. Two days ago (holiday). I felt ok when I got up. By midmorning, I felt terrible. Laid down to take a nap, shivering uncontrollably. Then the shivering broke and I sweated uncontrollably. I got achy. Oops, the flu!
Took dayquil, felt much better. Ate dinner. By 8PM, was achy and shivery. By 9PM was shivering uncontrollably. Got into bed, shivering like crazy. Fell asleep with Julie huddled to me for warmth. By 1AM I was awake again, drenched in sweat. Tossed and turned the whole rest of the night.
Julie left yesterday (she comes back tomorrow dinnertime) for New Jersey (for work). She reports feeling TERRIBLE. I went to work yesterday, was a bit tired for our 9AM meeting. By 11AM I had a stabbing headache and was cold. By noon I was shivering uncontrollably again. Drove home (barely made it), crawled into bed, shivered until I fell asleep. Woke up an hour later sweating. *sigh*
Was not TOO bad last night until later on (I had started taking Advil for the fever by now). Went to bed around 10:30PM. Woke up at 2:30 SWIMMING in my own sweat. Had to move to the other side of the bed, it was soaked. Never really did get back to sleep. Had a bit of ... bowel mischief. Got up around 5:30 finally, went about my day. Today was "better". Only one bout of shivering, not uncontrolled, not so tired I slept. Have continued to take Advil.
Since Monday my temperature has been around 99.0 with Advil, and 101.5 without. It went as high as 102.1, hasn't dropped to normal though.
So why am I concerned? Well, my sinuses are clogged again. My throat is raw. I blow my nose and it's clear, but when I snork inward, the stuff that gets sucked in (which I spit out) is bloody. ICK. And tastes nasty. And my throat feels SOOOO dry all the time. And I can't seem to get more than 2-3 total hours of sleep, when right now that's the thing I need the MOST!
Yes, I'm taking Zinc/C/etc. - a blend called Wellness with all kinds of good stuff - faithfully. Also Ibuprofen (Advil) for the fever. Not so much decongestants, I'm not THAT stuffed up although my sinuses do hurt.
I'm going to try to get to the doctor's walk-in office hours tomorrow morning. Since we moved, I have a new Primary Care. No doctor in the area will make an appointment without giving me a physical first (one week wait for physical appointments), thus the reason I didn't go before Christmas for the sinus infection. The emergency room is a sucky option ($100 copay, long wait time)...
So what do you think I have? My first impression is the flu. Maybe my sinuses were clearing up but the flu has aggravated the pre-existing condition? I just don't know, other than that I feel like I've been hit by a truck.
Over Cristmas, I had what was probably a sinus infection, but by the time the 26th rolled around and the doctor was open again, it was getting much better. That freaked me out - my teeth hurt and I blew bloody snot out of my left sinus. Ick!
Well, fast forward to last week. Logan spent 3 days home from school with a low-grade temp. Never high, never much over 100-101. No pain, no nausea. He was a little run-down, but with a quick shot of children's Tylenol he'd be happy again for 4 hours, perky and running around. This persisted for several days and then cleared up. We took him to the pediatrician and they determined it was harmless and viral, did a ton of bloodwork and pronounced him "a bit sick" but ok.
Then, a couple days after he cleared up, he got sick again - this time a traditional flu. 2 days of (higher) fever, some nausea (he threw up once in the night) chills/sweats, aches/pains.
Last week, our temporary houseguest got ill for a couple days - flu. Probably around the same time as Logan.
So, fast forward to this past Monday. Two days ago (holiday). I felt ok when I got up. By midmorning, I felt terrible. Laid down to take a nap, shivering uncontrollably. Then the shivering broke and I sweated uncontrollably. I got achy. Oops, the flu!
Took dayquil, felt much better. Ate dinner. By 8PM, was achy and shivery. By 9PM was shivering uncontrollably. Got into bed, shivering like crazy. Fell asleep with Julie huddled to me for warmth. By 1AM I was awake again, drenched in sweat. Tossed and turned the whole rest of the night.
Julie left yesterday (she comes back tomorrow dinnertime) for New Jersey (for work). She reports feeling TERRIBLE. I went to work yesterday, was a bit tired for our 9AM meeting. By 11AM I had a stabbing headache and was cold. By noon I was shivering uncontrollably again. Drove home (barely made it), crawled into bed, shivered until I fell asleep. Woke up an hour later sweating. *sigh*
Was not TOO bad last night until later on (I had started taking Advil for the fever by now). Went to bed around 10:30PM. Woke up at 2:30 SWIMMING in my own sweat. Had to move to the other side of the bed, it was soaked. Never really did get back to sleep. Had a bit of ... bowel mischief. Got up around 5:30 finally, went about my day. Today was "better". Only one bout of shivering, not uncontrolled, not so tired I slept. Have continued to take Advil.
Since Monday my temperature has been around 99.0 with Advil, and 101.5 without. It went as high as 102.1, hasn't dropped to normal though.
So why am I concerned? Well, my sinuses are clogged again. My throat is raw. I blow my nose and it's clear, but when I snork inward, the stuff that gets sucked in (which I spit out) is bloody. ICK. And tastes nasty. And my throat feels SOOOO dry all the time. And I can't seem to get more than 2-3 total hours of sleep, when right now that's the thing I need the MOST!
Yes, I'm taking Zinc/C/etc. - a blend called Wellness with all kinds of good stuff - faithfully. Also Ibuprofen (Advil) for the fever. Not so much decongestants, I'm not THAT stuffed up although my sinuses do hurt.
I'm going to try to get to the doctor's walk-in office hours tomorrow morning. Since we moved, I have a new Primary Care. No doctor in the area will make an appointment without giving me a physical first (one week wait for physical appointments), thus the reason I didn't go before Christmas for the sinus infection. The emergency room is a sucky option ($100 copay, long wait time)...
So what do you think I have? My first impression is the flu. Maybe my sinuses were clearing up but the flu has aggravated the pre-existing condition? I just don't know, other than that I feel like I've been hit by a truck.