I suppose it’s about time I gave you guys an update on the this thread.. 
Here goes...
Some 10 years ago.
I met the LowLifeCat... it was an interesting crossing of paths... we where alike in many ways... (except he was more of an ****ole, that’s a compliment btw... and me .. a hopeless romantic)
At the time I was dating my first wife... back in the days when things were still good.. Ah the good old days...
Any ways... our good friend LLC soon became the household cat... he was just one step away from being a permanent member of the family... by just being there...
... we became the best of friends
Around that time LLC introduced me to a friend of his from Canada... codename Kali...
LLC seemed to be very fond of Kali and the first time I had a chat with her.. I could see why.. I always felt comfortable talking to her about anything... And I did... even when I was having problems with Ouss.. (My ex-wife) kali was there to talk with me....
I have to admit... That through the years ... I always felt this great respect and admiration for this lady, for the free person that she is... And for her wisdom... she may be 15 years older than me ... but I never felt there was an age difference... I could talk to her about anything... and she always treated me as an equal... and hence a good friendship was born...
She used to describe her friendship with LLC as something she was very fond of…. In fact she used to describe fact that LLC was like part of the furniture in her apartment
Several years go... sometime in the early 2000's LLC finally leaves Lebanon and heads back to Canada...
He spends the first month at Kali’s place
A few years later.... I am getting a divorce from ouss... because that relationship was simply not going anywhere... and it may have very well been my fault...
Mind you though... I was never disloyal in any kind of way... on the contrary... I was always loyal and true to her... things just did not work out the way we thought they would.... so we took out separate paths... but remained friends.....
As you all may know... I was supposed to be in Canada in 2005.... As a landed migrant... that however did not pan out for me because when I applied, I applied under ouss' name as her spouse... she was the principal applicant.... it was sweet of her to offer me to go to Canada together and then split up after wards.... yes.. Like I said... We left on friendly terms... and good friendly terms at that...
however, I thought that it would not be honest of me to do something like that.... can’t help it... I believe in honesty.... my motto is... honesty above all else... honesty is love...
Any way... so as the ex-spouse of a principal applicant... I had to forfeit my part of the application.....
No problem there.... I thought I’d re-apply again when I felt the time was right for me....
So... ouss goes off to Canada ... I stay in leb... I quit my job at uni... joined a friend of mine to help him establish his new production house... and .... BOOM... the political crap situation in Lebanon starts to deteriorate...
Ah well... everything happened for a reason...
I spent most of 2005 doing just enough freelance jobs to make enough money to live on... I did not have that many expenses... I had no rent to pay... No debt... nothing... and I just needed the time off....
2005 was a year of mixed results... it was a year that I went out exploring old venues... and new ones... I was exploring life... and I ran across many disappointments... but I also bumped in too many beautiful things...
I was meeting all sorts of people... note that I said I was meeting all sorts of people... most of whom where complicated at best.... note that I said this for something I am going to say later on....
For now I will just say that things where interesting... not on a physical level... but on an emotional and cognitive level... things were happening... or not happening... which over way one would see it.. And I say again... None of these connections where sexual... or even passionate love... … except for one... a cool lady friend of mine whom had abandoned our friendship some years ago because she felt she did not want her feelings for me to develop and get between me an ouss (something that I found common among several people later on… not all nesseceraly women btw ;-) )
Any way …
Towards the end of the year (2005) I started feeling the need for change.....
Low and behold... I get an offer to go work in Dubai as a senior editor in a well established production house...
I said... Hell.. Why not...
“The good thing is I don’t know anyone in Dubai and I could use the space... and the money… “
Boy was I wrong.... it turned out that everyone and their father where in Dubai... well... actually 2 days before I got to Dubai on 2 Feb. 2006 (the 1st anniversary of my divorce btw) I found out that my dad actually lives there with his wife and my baby sister... (yeah…... that’s a long story on its own....)
So off to Dubai I went
Swell... I did not have to stay in hotel… I stayed at their place for the first month….
Oh… did I mention I got hired based on my reputation alone… and that the company has neither my CV nor my portfolio to this day…..
Well... when I came to Dubai I did not have that much expectations… but things started to develop… let’s just say that employment ethics are not that well developed here.. And that there are no effective institutions to protect the workforce and the workers’ rights... but one day that may change….
Before I left for Dubai... in December 2005... I had a long chat with LLC who at that time happened to be living at Kali’s place cause he was at that point working in Montréal.. And at the same company as she was… I thought to myself back then… “great… miserable as he is… he is in good hands.. “ why miserable… long story… has to do with a poor cats broken heart… but it’s not my place to talk of other peoples love lives…
And I was also happy to know that ouss met up with LLC and hence also Kali…
LLC was urging me back then to drop everything and get to Canada… which at the time I thought was too early for me to reapply for immigration…. Just did not think it was time for me yet... Sigh
Any way... I was out of contact for a while as some of you may recall… because I had no internet for a while…
1 month after I got to Dubai… I moved out of my dad’s place and got my own lovely little studio apartment… very expensive rent… but there was no way in hell I was going to take an apartment any where coming in with the flow of the traffic… especially since back then I was still relying on taxi’s… and I HATE traffic….. Where I live now… going to work... No traffic... Coming back home... No traffic…
(Sharja anyone?)
Still had no internet or phone line... just had my mobile phone…. No TV nothing… it was a good time for me to enjoy my solitude… and I did…
At work… I was enjoying the company of my lady Unicorn… an interesting person.. We had a lot in common… and our friendship developed….
Sometime after February I heard from LLC and found out that he and Kali had some sort of major fallout… I was disappointed… and I wanted so badly to talk to kali and get her side of the story… but I did not… thinking that if LLC was this upset... I wonder how upset she might be… and if she would talk to me at all….. lol…. It was pretty silly… but then again everything happens for a reason….
Like when I had to go back to leb in May to renew my passport… wow that was an experience…. In the course of 3 month... so many people had missed me… I told no one I was coming… but somehow my sister found out … and knew which flight too... and she came to the airport and picked me up in her friends hummer… lol…. Yeh... my sister likes to show off sometimes…
It was one long week… I met a lot of my friends... and to my surprise a lot of people I had not seen for a while showed up… many of them where coming to me to tell me how much they missed me… and how much I meant to them??!?? And how I had made such a strong and profound impact on their lives??!??!!?? Many of them in tears….. Wow…. Where did this come from…. I was suddenly feeling suffocated… I wanted to go back to my solitude… then a good friend of mine took me aside and explained it to me….. “sam… do you realize how many people you have helped? How many people you pushed ahead? The things that they learned from you? You attract the weirdest people with the weirdest complexes… and you show them the good things about themselves… have you ever noticed how depressed… even suicidal people find you… and learn how to love themselves because of you….â€
and you all know how depressive I am…. Right? Well, while I did not buy the whole deal from my good friend... I did finally relax…. And just let things be… my last night in leb was interesting… I spent it with my lady friend (the one who had previously stayed away from me as not to come between me ouss…) it was an interesting evening…… …… ….. ….. and we fell asleep in each others arms… cuddling….
Suddenly she woke up and said with a start “I feel like my time with you is over.. I have this sudden feeling that I have had more than my fair share of you…†and she got up kissed me and left….
Next day I while I was boarding the plane… I had a nasty feeling… I looked out the window and realized that things in leb where going to go extremely bad soon…. but that is not the reason I started to cry…
Why did I cry?
So many things …. One of them was the fact that my lady Unicorn was being fired from her job at that moment.. don’t ask me how but I felt it… she did not deserve to be fired… she was fired because of another jealous bitch….

Here goes...
Some 10 years ago.
I met the LowLifeCat... it was an interesting crossing of paths... we where alike in many ways... (except he was more of an ****ole, that’s a compliment btw... and me .. a hopeless romantic)
At the time I was dating my first wife... back in the days when things were still good.. Ah the good old days...
Any ways... our good friend LLC soon became the household cat... he was just one step away from being a permanent member of the family... by just being there...

Around that time LLC introduced me to a friend of his from Canada... codename Kali...
LLC seemed to be very fond of Kali and the first time I had a chat with her.. I could see why.. I always felt comfortable talking to her about anything... And I did... even when I was having problems with Ouss.. (My ex-wife) kali was there to talk with me....
I have to admit... That through the years ... I always felt this great respect and admiration for this lady, for the free person that she is... And for her wisdom... she may be 15 years older than me ... but I never felt there was an age difference... I could talk to her about anything... and she always treated me as an equal... and hence a good friendship was born...
She used to describe her friendship with LLC as something she was very fond of…. In fact she used to describe fact that LLC was like part of the furniture in her apartment
Several years go... sometime in the early 2000's LLC finally leaves Lebanon and heads back to Canada...
He spends the first month at Kali’s place
A few years later.... I am getting a divorce from ouss... because that relationship was simply not going anywhere... and it may have very well been my fault...
Mind you though... I was never disloyal in any kind of way... on the contrary... I was always loyal and true to her... things just did not work out the way we thought they would.... so we took out separate paths... but remained friends.....
As you all may know... I was supposed to be in Canada in 2005.... As a landed migrant... that however did not pan out for me because when I applied, I applied under ouss' name as her spouse... she was the principal applicant.... it was sweet of her to offer me to go to Canada together and then split up after wards.... yes.. Like I said... We left on friendly terms... and good friendly terms at that...
however, I thought that it would not be honest of me to do something like that.... can’t help it... I believe in honesty.... my motto is... honesty above all else... honesty is love...
Any way... so as the ex-spouse of a principal applicant... I had to forfeit my part of the application.....
No problem there.... I thought I’d re-apply again when I felt the time was right for me....
So... ouss goes off to Canada ... I stay in leb... I quit my job at uni... joined a friend of mine to help him establish his new production house... and .... BOOM... the political crap situation in Lebanon starts to deteriorate...
Ah well... everything happened for a reason...
I spent most of 2005 doing just enough freelance jobs to make enough money to live on... I did not have that many expenses... I had no rent to pay... No debt... nothing... and I just needed the time off....
2005 was a year of mixed results... it was a year that I went out exploring old venues... and new ones... I was exploring life... and I ran across many disappointments... but I also bumped in too many beautiful things...
I was meeting all sorts of people... note that I said I was meeting all sorts of people... most of whom where complicated at best.... note that I said this for something I am going to say later on....
For now I will just say that things where interesting... not on a physical level... but on an emotional and cognitive level... things were happening... or not happening... which over way one would see it.. And I say again... None of these connections where sexual... or even passionate love... … except for one... a cool lady friend of mine whom had abandoned our friendship some years ago because she felt she did not want her feelings for me to develop and get between me an ouss (something that I found common among several people later on… not all nesseceraly women btw ;-) )
Any way …
Towards the end of the year (2005) I started feeling the need for change.....
Low and behold... I get an offer to go work in Dubai as a senior editor in a well established production house...
I said... Hell.. Why not...
“The good thing is I don’t know anyone in Dubai and I could use the space... and the money… “
Boy was I wrong.... it turned out that everyone and their father where in Dubai... well... actually 2 days before I got to Dubai on 2 Feb. 2006 (the 1st anniversary of my divorce btw) I found out that my dad actually lives there with his wife and my baby sister... (yeah…... that’s a long story on its own....)
So off to Dubai I went
Swell... I did not have to stay in hotel… I stayed at their place for the first month….
Oh… did I mention I got hired based on my reputation alone… and that the company has neither my CV nor my portfolio to this day…..
Well... when I came to Dubai I did not have that much expectations… but things started to develop… let’s just say that employment ethics are not that well developed here.. And that there are no effective institutions to protect the workforce and the workers’ rights... but one day that may change….
Before I left for Dubai... in December 2005... I had a long chat with LLC who at that time happened to be living at Kali’s place cause he was at that point working in Montréal.. And at the same company as she was… I thought to myself back then… “great… miserable as he is… he is in good hands.. “ why miserable… long story… has to do with a poor cats broken heart… but it’s not my place to talk of other peoples love lives…
And I was also happy to know that ouss met up with LLC and hence also Kali…
LLC was urging me back then to drop everything and get to Canada… which at the time I thought was too early for me to reapply for immigration…. Just did not think it was time for me yet... Sigh
Any way... I was out of contact for a while as some of you may recall… because I had no internet for a while…
1 month after I got to Dubai… I moved out of my dad’s place and got my own lovely little studio apartment… very expensive rent… but there was no way in hell I was going to take an apartment any where coming in with the flow of the traffic… especially since back then I was still relying on taxi’s… and I HATE traffic….. Where I live now… going to work... No traffic... Coming back home... No traffic…
(Sharja anyone?)
Still had no internet or phone line... just had my mobile phone…. No TV nothing… it was a good time for me to enjoy my solitude… and I did…
At work… I was enjoying the company of my lady Unicorn… an interesting person.. We had a lot in common… and our friendship developed….
Sometime after February I heard from LLC and found out that he and Kali had some sort of major fallout… I was disappointed… and I wanted so badly to talk to kali and get her side of the story… but I did not… thinking that if LLC was this upset... I wonder how upset she might be… and if she would talk to me at all….. lol…. It was pretty silly… but then again everything happens for a reason….
Like when I had to go back to leb in May to renew my passport… wow that was an experience…. In the course of 3 month... so many people had missed me… I told no one I was coming… but somehow my sister found out … and knew which flight too... and she came to the airport and picked me up in her friends hummer… lol…. Yeh... my sister likes to show off sometimes…
It was one long week… I met a lot of my friends... and to my surprise a lot of people I had not seen for a while showed up… many of them where coming to me to tell me how much they missed me… and how much I meant to them??!?? And how I had made such a strong and profound impact on their lives??!??!!?? Many of them in tears….. Wow…. Where did this come from…. I was suddenly feeling suffocated… I wanted to go back to my solitude… then a good friend of mine took me aside and explained it to me….. “sam… do you realize how many people you have helped? How many people you pushed ahead? The things that they learned from you? You attract the weirdest people with the weirdest complexes… and you show them the good things about themselves… have you ever noticed how depressed… even suicidal people find you… and learn how to love themselves because of you….â€
and you all know how depressive I am…. Right? Well, while I did not buy the whole deal from my good friend... I did finally relax…. And just let things be… my last night in leb was interesting… I spent it with my lady friend (the one who had previously stayed away from me as not to come between me ouss…) it was an interesting evening…… …… ….. ….. and we fell asleep in each others arms… cuddling….
Suddenly she woke up and said with a start “I feel like my time with you is over.. I have this sudden feeling that I have had more than my fair share of you…†and she got up kissed me and left….
Next day I while I was boarding the plane… I had a nasty feeling… I looked out the window and realized that things in leb where going to go extremely bad soon…. but that is not the reason I started to cry…
Why did I cry?
So many things …. One of them was the fact that my lady Unicorn was being fired from her job at that moment.. don’t ask me how but I felt it… she did not deserve to be fired… she was fired because of another jealous bitch….