At 23.33, my pc started beeping: a high tone, a low tone, a high tone, etc. I noticed the lights of my raid system blinking in an abnormal way, so I launched the web interface for the raid (pc kept beeping). I managed to disable the beeping in it.
As it turns out, for some reason it considered my drive 2 to have been unplugged: I suspect I may have touched a sata cable while checking my vga cooler (see GH), but all cables did appear to still be connected
. The raid controller has now begun rebuilding the raid5, but as my drive currently needs to be accessed, it is going slowly. Still, I hope it will be ready in an hour or so, so I can get to bed...
Sorry, needed to get that out of my system.
At 23.33, my pc started beeping: a high tone, a low tone, a high tone, etc. I noticed the lights of my raid system blinking in an abnormal way, so I launched the web interface for the raid (pc kept beeping). I managed to disable the beeping in it.
As it turns out, for some reason it considered my drive 2 to have been unplugged: I suspect I may have touched a sata cable while checking my vga cooler (see GH), but all cables did appear to still be connected

Sorry, needed to get that out of my system.