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Another 'girlfriend' for Bubba

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  • Another 'girlfriend' for Bubba

    People like him make me sick enough to hurl....


    Lawyer Found Naked With Girl, 14, Pleads no Contest

    PHILADELPHIA — A defense attorney who was found naked with a 14-year-old girl in a city courthouse pleaded no contest to charges of sexually assaulting the teen and five other girls.

    Larry Charles, 50, entered the pleas on Monday, the day his trial was scheduled to begin.

    Authorities have said a sheriff's deputy making his rounds in the courthouse on Jan. 15, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, looked into a lawyers' lounge and discovered Charles and the girl.

    Charles, who often worked in the courthouse as a criminal defense attorney, was charged with rape and related offenses in that case.

    After his arrest, five other girls came forward and testified that Charles assaulted them. Some of the girls testified they were assaulted multiple times over several years.

    The girls — who were ages 5 to 10 at the time of the alleged attacks and are now ages 11 to 17 — testified the encounters occurred in motels, Charles' office, on the street while trick-or-treating at Halloween, and in the lounge and a court anteroom.

    Charles was charged in those cases with multiple counts of rape, sexual assault, corruption of a minor and other charges. He pleaded no contest to all the counts.

    After entering the no contest pleas, Charles' bail was revoked and he was sent to prison, pending his sentencing on Dec. 20. Prosecutors said they plan to recommend a sentence of 25 to 50 years in prison.

    An attempt to reach Charles' lawyer, Angelo L. Cameron, for comment was not successful. A woman answering the phone at his listed office telephone number said that he did not live there, then hung up.
    Dr. Mordrid
    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

  • #2
    5 to 10 years old. I think Bubba has a new pinata, not a girlfriend.
    “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
    –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jammrock View Post
      5 to 10 years old. I think Bubba has a new pinata, not a girlfriend.

      How about both of them?

      Diplomacy, it's a way of saying “nice doggie”, until you find a rock!


      • #4
        Humanity 2007: justice is but an excuse to indulge in one's fascination with the the ever balancing equilibrium, between the shock value of a crime, and the matching ferocity of the ass-pounding this hideous behavior summons.
        Men can tolerate just about anything but a threat to their men flower's integrity.

        HE DID WHAT?
        Bubba (but of course, who else would be a big bad rapist ( oh, sorry, a vehicle of rectal justice) ) better gangrene his colon!

        Oh, he just cheated on his taxes?
        A moderate bleed would suffice. We might not even need Bubba for this one. Jose would do just fine.
        Last edited by FatBastard; 11 September 2007, 09:41.
        Originally posted by Gurm
        .. some very fair skinned women just have a nasty brown crack no matter what...


        • #5
          oh, sorry, a vehicle of rectal justice

          HE DID WHAT?
          Bubba (but of course, who else would be a big bad rapist ( oh, sorry, a vehicle of rectal justice) ) better gangrene his colon!

          Oh, he just cheated on his taxes?
          A moderate bleed would suffice. We might not even need Bubba for this one. Jose would do just fine.
          I don't think anyone here agrees with that kind of "justice" in general. But in cases like this, "rectal justice" does seem, dare I say, fair.


          • #6
            He's a pedophile rapist. Send him to jail and he'll just be spending the tax payers money. In fact, Bubba might not even have a chance to assrape him because they usually lock these types up in special places to avoid getting the beat down from other inmates.

            So why not subject them to medical tests? (the ones no one ever volunteers for) Like inject them with AIDS and try different cures, or give them cancer and see what kind of treatments work? If your convicted of a crime, and especially if there's no doubt about it, then you shouldn't have any rights as a human anymore and you shouldn't become a burden to anyone anymore. At least this way he'll serve a higher purpose, even if he suffers through all the treatments the doctors may give him. So long as he can do good from there on. No? Sending him to jail does nothing but spend the tax payers money, killing him only gets rid of the problem, which actually doesn,t solve anything, but using him to try and find a cure for a deadly desease? Now there's an honorable cause and if he dies in the process, then who's going to care? If he's sentenced to become a guinea pig then no one will mind, except maybe him of course.

            Just a thought.
            Titanium is the new bling!
            (you heard from me first!)

