My uncle is driving me nuts with his inability to understand his image resize function of his photo-editing app (psp7).
He downloads pictures and wants to resize em so they fit some imaginary square.
Now he did realise that letting the program resample the images (shrinking em down) makes em look crapp, and that he has somewhat refusingly admitted that changing the dpi of the image (PSP7 either discards or don’t support getting the dpi from images so it defaults to 72dpi) works.
What he blankly refuses to understand is that the image aspect ratio setting is a factor of the image with and height.
He believes that it’s a “global value†that the program remembers for all pictures and that somehow he has “borked†it and wants me to fix it.
Since he downloads the pictures, not all of them have an aspect ratio that he prefers, but he blames the program for that
Now because he refuses to understand the aspect ratio it’s hard for me to “fix†it.
For a while he even had the idea that images he himself scanned ended up having the wrong “ratio†as he call it and that printing out a scanned image would make it warped.
What really tears it is when he’s telling me I’m being irrational when I wont help him “reset the ratio†in the software.
Yeah, I can probably fix his image, but as long as he refuses to learn what’s going on it feels so pointless…
I have previously won the shouting match by demonstrating that the ratio is a factor of the image width and height and that a changed aspect ratio won’t “stick†unless you save the image.
And that changing the aspect ratio of one image will not change it for all other opened images.
Note that he didn’t “understand†he just couldn’t disprove me.
That was some months ago, now he has forgotten and on the same track again
It’s been years since he first got his first printer and this has been an ongoing debate since then.
It’s driving me BONKERS!!!
He downloads pictures and wants to resize em so they fit some imaginary square.
Now he did realise that letting the program resample the images (shrinking em down) makes em look crapp, and that he has somewhat refusingly admitted that changing the dpi of the image (PSP7 either discards or don’t support getting the dpi from images so it defaults to 72dpi) works.
What he blankly refuses to understand is that the image aspect ratio setting is a factor of the image with and height.
He believes that it’s a “global value†that the program remembers for all pictures and that somehow he has “borked†it and wants me to fix it.
Since he downloads the pictures, not all of them have an aspect ratio that he prefers, but he blames the program for that
Now because he refuses to understand the aspect ratio it’s hard for me to “fix†it.
For a while he even had the idea that images he himself scanned ended up having the wrong “ratio†as he call it and that printing out a scanned image would make it warped.
What really tears it is when he’s telling me I’m being irrational when I wont help him “reset the ratio†in the software.

Yeah, I can probably fix his image, but as long as he refuses to learn what’s going on it feels so pointless…
I have previously won the shouting match by demonstrating that the ratio is a factor of the image width and height and that a changed aspect ratio won’t “stick†unless you save the image.
And that changing the aspect ratio of one image will not change it for all other opened images.
Note that he didn’t “understand†he just couldn’t disprove me.
That was some months ago, now he has forgotten and on the same track again
It’s been years since he first got his first printer and this has been an ongoing debate since then.
It’s driving me BONKERS!!!