Vang Anh is a very pretty Vietnamese college student. She plays the part of a teenager in a very popular TV soap and is admired by half the country's teenage girls (and lusted after by half the boys!). She had developed this into a very lucrative career.

This fell into ribbons in one fell swoop. She was filmed in the sex act with a boy and this was published on YouTube (since withdrawn). As Viet Nam is a very conservative country and sex is a very private thing there, this was not appreciated and her soap series came to a very abrupt end.
I found the incriminating video here. Note that is very NSFW and is explicit: in fact, it borders on the pornographic. The quality is atrocious (I suspect probably either poor webcam or 3rd generation copy or both).

This fell into ribbons in one fell swoop. She was filmed in the sex act with a boy and this was published on YouTube (since withdrawn). As Viet Nam is a very conservative country and sex is a very private thing there, this was not appreciated and her soap series came to a very abrupt end.
I found the incriminating video here. Note that is very NSFW and is explicit: in fact, it borders on the pornographic. The quality is atrocious (I suspect probably either poor webcam or 3rd generation copy or both).