From a very cool book called "I Could Tell You but Then You Would Have to Be Destroyed by Me: Emblems from the Pentagons Black World" by Trevor Paglen
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The letters ATOP depicted on this patch stand for "Advanced Technology Observation Platform," whose first flight was on October 28, 1990. The Latin phrase "Furtim Vigilans" translates as "Vigilance Through Stealth." No further information about this patch or program is known. Officials at the Flight Test Center at Edwards Air Force Base claim that the program depicted "isn't one of ours."

This was the original version of a patch commemorating a flight test series involving a B-2 "Spirit" stealth bomber. The lower case Greek sigma symbol on the test shape's outline signifies the unknown RCS value. The number "509" refers to the 509th Bomb Wing, which operates the United States' stealth bombers from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. The alien is a reference to the 509th's lineage; in 1947 the 509th was based at Roswell, New Mexico, home of the "Roswell incident." The dog-Latin phrase "Gustasus Similis Pullus" translates as "Tastes Like Chicken." Note the knife and fork. "To Serve Man" refers to a Twilight Zone episode where the term is the title of a cookbook used by aliens who kidnap humans for use as food.

The Electronic Warfare Directorate is the primary EW test organization at Edwards Air Force Base. Electronic warfare consists of defensive and offensive avionics and includes the so-called "Infowar" revolution in military technologies. Commenting on information-warfare, Air Force Chief of Staff John Jumper told Aviation Week and Space Technology that "we're rapidly approaching the time when you can tell an SA-10's [surface-to-air missile system] radar that it's a Maytag washer and put it in the rinse cycle instead of the firing cycle."

This patch is from the Phillips Laboratory Military Spaceplane Technology (MiST) Program Office at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico.

"Triangulum" is reported to designate a variation on the RS6b SENIOR SPEAR sensor system built into some versions of the U-2 spy plane. The Triangulum system allegedly uses twelve antennas along the aircrafts' fuselage and an antenna on each wing.
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