So....we have this adorable grandson named Kaden, 5 years old and cute as a button..curly hair etc.
The other day his parents Chris (our son) and Beth have another couple over for dinner. As they're setting the table Kaden asks if their friends wife would sit next to him. About 10 minutes into the meal he looks at the guys wife (who happens to be a fox), flashes his best smile and says -
"So, tell me a little about yourself..."
He learned from experts
Here's our little Romeo;
The other day his parents Chris (our son) and Beth have another couple over for dinner. As they're setting the table Kaden asks if their friends wife would sit next to him. About 10 minutes into the meal he looks at the guys wife (who happens to be a fox), flashes his best smile and says -
"So, tell me a little about yourself..."
He learned from experts
Here's our little Romeo;