How do they cope? How do you cope?
So both my parents are now officially retired, age 59. Both are still fairly fit and active. About to go on a 3 week cruise 'down under' to celebrate various anniversaries.
Since Dad's first retirement, about 6 years ago, I've watched him become less sharp over the years. I'm not suggest alzheimers or anything like that, but he leaves the details to me now, if you see what I mean. They are more reliant on me for things than before. Its not much, but it is a trend.
How did your parents cope/adjust to retiirement, and how do you cope with it as their off spring? Of course I know some of our more venerable members here can answer from the senior point of view too
So both my parents are now officially retired, age 59. Both are still fairly fit and active. About to go on a 3 week cruise 'down under' to celebrate various anniversaries.
Since Dad's first retirement, about 6 years ago, I've watched him become less sharp over the years. I'm not suggest alzheimers or anything like that, but he leaves the details to me now, if you see what I mean. They are more reliant on me for things than before. Its not much, but it is a trend.
How did your parents cope/adjust to retiirement, and how do you cope with it as their off spring? Of course I know some of our more venerable members here can answer from the senior point of view too
