First Detroit's mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, was named by Time Magazine as one of the worst mayors in the US.
Next he got involved in a whistle blower scandal where he lied under oath, among other things, and got indicted for 12 counts of perjury and corruption.
He was released on bond but with travel restrictions; he had to ask permission of the court to go out of state or out of the country.
His next good move was a semi-veiled death threat against the Wayne County Prosecutor, Kym Worthy: “My grandfather always said if you're digging a grave for someone--dig two, so she better be carefulâ€.
Next he assaulted a Sheriff's deputy who was trying to serve papers on someone they thought was in his house. Charges still pending, but imminent. The State Atty. General is expected to file them this week.
Then came the final straw for Judge Ronald Giles;
Mayor Kilpatrick took it upon himself to leave not only Michigan but the country, taking a trip to Canada to discuss the sale of the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel to balance the city's budget deficit - something that'll only get it out of hot water for just the current year at the cost of a major city asset.
Today Kilpatrick was summoned to Judge Giles courtroom to explain why he had violated his bond. Mayor Kilpatrick tried to shine the Judge on, but it did no good - Judge Giles was pissed off. Tonight Mayor Kilpatrick will be eating dinner in the Wayne County Jail with the other crooks.
And then comes word that the Feds are investigating at least those around him over a bogus city contract (half of city council too).
If Governor Granholm doesn't remove him now it'll just prove once again how incompetent she is.