CNN story....
Great Lakes Compact OK'd to prevent water diversion
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan (AP) -- Great Lakes water cannot be diverted to thirsty areas elsewhere in the United States and abroad under an agreement approved Friday by President Bush.
Use of water from Lake Michigan and the other Great Lakes is covered under the agreement.
Approval of the Great Lakes Compact was the final step in a nearly decade long quest to strengthen legal protections for the use of water from the five Great Lakes, their connecting channels and the St. Lawrence River. It received bipartisan support and the backing of business and environmental groups and both presidential candidates.
The pact bans new diversions of water to places outside the region -- eight states and two Canadian provinces with a combined population of roughly 40 million. There are limited exceptions for communities near the basin boundary that meet rigorous requirements and for the taking of water in small containers.
"Together, we have taken a major step to protect the Great Lakes," said Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle, chairman of the Council of Great Lakes Governors. "I am hopeful that this historic cooperation will enable us to accelerate our future efforts."
The deal was negotiated by the governors and ratified by legislatures in all eight states -- New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Congress recently gave its approval. The Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec adopted similar policies.
The lakes contain nearly 20 percent of the world's fresh surface water.
Compact supporters long have voiced concern that arid regions such as the western United States would target the lakes as the Sun Belt's population and political clout grew.
But it was an Ontario consulting firm's proposal in the late 1990s to ship 158 million gallons of Lake Superior water to Asia that inspired negotiations leading to the pact. A permit issued to the firm was withdrawn before the water was taken.
Some environmentalists questioned whether the pact was strong enough, focusing on a provision allowing diversions of water in containers smaller than 5.7 gallons, designed to accommodate bottled water companies. Supporters said the deal's protections were adequate.
The United Nations estimates that by 2025, two-thirds of the world's population will lack ready access to clean, fresh water.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan (AP) -- Great Lakes water cannot be diverted to thirsty areas elsewhere in the United States and abroad under an agreement approved Friday by President Bush.
Use of water from Lake Michigan and the other Great Lakes is covered under the agreement.
Approval of the Great Lakes Compact was the final step in a nearly decade long quest to strengthen legal protections for the use of water from the five Great Lakes, their connecting channels and the St. Lawrence River. It received bipartisan support and the backing of business and environmental groups and both presidential candidates.
The pact bans new diversions of water to places outside the region -- eight states and two Canadian provinces with a combined population of roughly 40 million. There are limited exceptions for communities near the basin boundary that meet rigorous requirements and for the taking of water in small containers.
"Together, we have taken a major step to protect the Great Lakes," said Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle, chairman of the Council of Great Lakes Governors. "I am hopeful that this historic cooperation will enable us to accelerate our future efforts."
The deal was negotiated by the governors and ratified by legislatures in all eight states -- New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Congress recently gave its approval. The Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec adopted similar policies.
The lakes contain nearly 20 percent of the world's fresh surface water.
Compact supporters long have voiced concern that arid regions such as the western United States would target the lakes as the Sun Belt's population and political clout grew.
But it was an Ontario consulting firm's proposal in the late 1990s to ship 158 million gallons of Lake Superior water to Asia that inspired negotiations leading to the pact. A permit issued to the firm was withdrawn before the water was taken.
Some environmentalists questioned whether the pact was strong enough, focusing on a provision allowing diversions of water in containers smaller than 5.7 gallons, designed to accommodate bottled water companies. Supporters said the deal's protections were adequate.
The United Nations estimates that by 2025, two-thirds of the world's population will lack ready access to clean, fresh water.