From The Empire blog....
Star Trek Footage Revealed
Posted on Tuesday November 11, 2008, 13:30 by James Dyer

Empire was privileged to be at a world first screening of footage from Star Trek this morning and any reservations we may have harboured over JJ Abrams’ reimagining of the franchise have been well and truly beamed away. What we saw was a medley of action, excitement, humour and a true reverence for the franchise that should both appease fans and suck in newcomers.
Abrams himself appeared to introduce four separate clips from the film, clearly a little apprehensive about airing his footage for the first time and so many months away from its May 2009 release.
“The thing about Star Trek is that I was never really a huge fan. When I was asked to do Star Trek, though, I found myself saying ‘yes’. I just thought it was the right thing. There have been 10 movies and about a million series but when the first series came out I always felt it was someone else’s show. I appreciated there was a promise of adventure but quite frankly that’s always what I felt it was: a promise of adventure. It might have been the resources they had doing a TV show – you know, a big adventure going to a cardboard planet, you know? So, the idea of doing this movie where it could feel legitimate and real despite all the stuff that non-fans might thing was silly, was really the challenge.
“I’ve seen Galaxy Quest, I’ve seen all the parodies but the key to doing this and making it feel real was a great cast. The cast is amazing and I’m going to show you a scene now where we meet Kirk as a young man. This shows how Kirk ends up joining this group called Starfleet.â€
Warning: Spoilers Ahead!
Clip 1
The first clip begins in Iowa, on Earth. We see an American bar, much like one in the 20th century, except for the outfits and the occasional alien patron. Zoe Saldana’s Uhura weaves through the throng and goes up to the bar. She orders a round, including a fire tea, Budweiser classics and some Cardassian sunrises. In a sly nod to Abrams’ other work, the bartender recommends the Slusho mixer as well. Just as she finishes the order, a clearly intoxicated man two seats down says he’ll pick up the tab. She rebuffs him and the two engage in a lively bout of verbal sparring until he introduces himself “it’s Jim, Jim Kirk.â€
Uhura, it seems, is studying Xeno linguistics and Kirk’s grasp of the subject indicates he’s more than what he seems. Uhura: “I’m impressed, for a moment I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.†Kirk: “not only.†A group of burly Starfleet cadets (including a surly looking Sulu) intervene to ask if the drunk ‘townie’ is making a nuisance of himself. Uhura says he is but she can handle herself. Unfortunately the cadets have something to prove and, after being summarily dismissed by an unimpressed Kirk, the leader lays him out.
What follows is a sizeable ruckus as Kirk fends off all four before being pounded nearly senseless on top of a table. As Sulu and the others continue to throw punches a shrill whistle penetrates the brawl. It’s Captain Pike, he glares at the wayward cadets before telling them to get out.
Cut to: Pike and Kirk sitting at a table, Kirk mopping the blood from his nose. Pike reads Kirk the riot act for wasting his life and being the only “genius-level repeat offender in the Midwest.†Pike served with Kirk’s father aboard the USS Kelvin and suggests that joining Starfleet academy would be a better use of Kirk’s time than brawling. “You understand what the federation is. It’s important, it’s a peace-keeping armada.†Kirk, he says, could be an officer in four years and have his own ship in eight. “Are we done?†the youth shoots back. “I’m done,†says Pike, and tells Kirk where the shuttle for recruits is leaving. “Your father was captain of a starship for 12 minutes. He saved 800 lives including your mother’s and yours. I dare you to do better.â€
Cut to: Kirk on his motorbike driving to the shipyard where the Enterprise is being constructed (yes, on Earth).
Cut to: Kirk on his bike the next day arriving at the shuttledock. He throws the keys to his bike to an admiring tech and board the shuttle. Catching Pike’s eye he says “Four years? I’ll do it in three.â€

Clip 2
Abrams came back out to introduce the second clip, saying: “So Kirk joins Starfleet and immediately he’s there he gets in trouble. They all get assigned to ships but Kirk does not. However Bones finds out that a loophole where, if you’re treating a patient, the doctor’s allowed to bring the patient on board. So he injects Kirk to give him symptoms and make him look sick. This is the sequence where he first gets brought on board the Enterprise.â€
Bones and Kirk come out of a turbolift and Kirk does not look at all good. They stagger into the medical bay, Kirk complaining all the way.
Cut to: The bridge where Captain Pike asks the “Russian whizkid†at the helm what his name is. It’s Ensign Chekov. Cue a comedy sequence where Chekov attempts to enter an authorization code into the computer, announcing “nine, five, wictor, wictor, two†in a perfect Walther Koenig exaggerated Russian accent and being denied. Chekov goes on to address the ship over the comm., stating that anomaly has been detected in the neutral zone, a lightning storm in space. A distress signal from the Vulcan (“wulcanâ€) high command has caused the Enterprise to go and investigate.
Cut to: Sick bay, Kirk hears the transmission and panics. “lightning storm?†He gets up but he’s had a reaction to the injection and his hands have swollen up. “Good God, man!†says Bones in a spot-on DeForest Kelley. Despite this, Kirk runs form the sick bay pursued by the anxious doctor. “We’re flying into a trap!†“Dammit, Jim, stand still!â€. The pair run through the corridors before locating Uhura, who is more preoccupied with the size of Kirk’s swollen hands. As he tries to explain, his toungue goes numb, leading to much slurring and misunderstanding. While it sounds daft here, the comedy in the scene is pulled off well, showing that JJ has nailed the sense of humour he promised to bring to the film.
Cut to: the interior of Nero’s ship: dark, red and menacing. An officer reports: “Nero, seven federation ships are on their way.â€
Cut to: Vulcan. A beam, emitted from Nero’s ship, bores into the planet’s surface. A lone figure looks out and survey’s the attack. It’s Winona Ryder as Spock’s mother.
Cut to: Exasperated, Kirk runs onto the bridge and shouts that they need to stop the ship as it’s a trap. “Vulcan is not experiencing a natural disaster, it’s being attacked by Romulans.†Pike all but has him dragged off the bridge and Spock’s instant animosity (it almost comes to blows between the two) indicates that, at this point at least, these two do not get on at all. Kirk ultimately breaks through though and explains that the same anomaly was spotted years before on the day of his birth, before a Romulan ship attacked the USS Kelvin. He goes on to say that the night before, 47 (yes forty seven!) Klingon Warbirds were destroyed by a single Romulan vessel. Uhura backs Kirk up and Pike gives the order: “shields up, red alert!â€
The ship comes out of warp amid a sea of debris: there are broken hulls as far as the eye can see. This is what remains of the other ships sent on the ‘rescue mission’ To Vulcan.

Posted on Tuesday November 11, 2008, 13:30 by James Dyer

Empire was privileged to be at a world first screening of footage from Star Trek this morning and any reservations we may have harboured over JJ Abrams’ reimagining of the franchise have been well and truly beamed away. What we saw was a medley of action, excitement, humour and a true reverence for the franchise that should both appease fans and suck in newcomers.
Abrams himself appeared to introduce four separate clips from the film, clearly a little apprehensive about airing his footage for the first time and so many months away from its May 2009 release.
“The thing about Star Trek is that I was never really a huge fan. When I was asked to do Star Trek, though, I found myself saying ‘yes’. I just thought it was the right thing. There have been 10 movies and about a million series but when the first series came out I always felt it was someone else’s show. I appreciated there was a promise of adventure but quite frankly that’s always what I felt it was: a promise of adventure. It might have been the resources they had doing a TV show – you know, a big adventure going to a cardboard planet, you know? So, the idea of doing this movie where it could feel legitimate and real despite all the stuff that non-fans might thing was silly, was really the challenge.
“I’ve seen Galaxy Quest, I’ve seen all the parodies but the key to doing this and making it feel real was a great cast. The cast is amazing and I’m going to show you a scene now where we meet Kirk as a young man. This shows how Kirk ends up joining this group called Starfleet.â€
Warning: Spoilers Ahead!
Clip 1
The first clip begins in Iowa, on Earth. We see an American bar, much like one in the 20th century, except for the outfits and the occasional alien patron. Zoe Saldana’s Uhura weaves through the throng and goes up to the bar. She orders a round, including a fire tea, Budweiser classics and some Cardassian sunrises. In a sly nod to Abrams’ other work, the bartender recommends the Slusho mixer as well. Just as she finishes the order, a clearly intoxicated man two seats down says he’ll pick up the tab. She rebuffs him and the two engage in a lively bout of verbal sparring until he introduces himself “it’s Jim, Jim Kirk.â€
Uhura, it seems, is studying Xeno linguistics and Kirk’s grasp of the subject indicates he’s more than what he seems. Uhura: “I’m impressed, for a moment I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.†Kirk: “not only.†A group of burly Starfleet cadets (including a surly looking Sulu) intervene to ask if the drunk ‘townie’ is making a nuisance of himself. Uhura says he is but she can handle herself. Unfortunately the cadets have something to prove and, after being summarily dismissed by an unimpressed Kirk, the leader lays him out.
What follows is a sizeable ruckus as Kirk fends off all four before being pounded nearly senseless on top of a table. As Sulu and the others continue to throw punches a shrill whistle penetrates the brawl. It’s Captain Pike, he glares at the wayward cadets before telling them to get out.
Cut to: Pike and Kirk sitting at a table, Kirk mopping the blood from his nose. Pike reads Kirk the riot act for wasting his life and being the only “genius-level repeat offender in the Midwest.†Pike served with Kirk’s father aboard the USS Kelvin and suggests that joining Starfleet academy would be a better use of Kirk’s time than brawling. “You understand what the federation is. It’s important, it’s a peace-keeping armada.†Kirk, he says, could be an officer in four years and have his own ship in eight. “Are we done?†the youth shoots back. “I’m done,†says Pike, and tells Kirk where the shuttle for recruits is leaving. “Your father was captain of a starship for 12 minutes. He saved 800 lives including your mother’s and yours. I dare you to do better.â€
Cut to: Kirk on his motorbike driving to the shipyard where the Enterprise is being constructed (yes, on Earth).
Cut to: Kirk on his bike the next day arriving at the shuttledock. He throws the keys to his bike to an admiring tech and board the shuttle. Catching Pike’s eye he says “Four years? I’ll do it in three.â€

Clip 2
Abrams came back out to introduce the second clip, saying: “So Kirk joins Starfleet and immediately he’s there he gets in trouble. They all get assigned to ships but Kirk does not. However Bones finds out that a loophole where, if you’re treating a patient, the doctor’s allowed to bring the patient on board. So he injects Kirk to give him symptoms and make him look sick. This is the sequence where he first gets brought on board the Enterprise.â€
Bones and Kirk come out of a turbolift and Kirk does not look at all good. They stagger into the medical bay, Kirk complaining all the way.
Cut to: The bridge where Captain Pike asks the “Russian whizkid†at the helm what his name is. It’s Ensign Chekov. Cue a comedy sequence where Chekov attempts to enter an authorization code into the computer, announcing “nine, five, wictor, wictor, two†in a perfect Walther Koenig exaggerated Russian accent and being denied. Chekov goes on to address the ship over the comm., stating that anomaly has been detected in the neutral zone, a lightning storm in space. A distress signal from the Vulcan (“wulcanâ€) high command has caused the Enterprise to go and investigate.
Cut to: Sick bay, Kirk hears the transmission and panics. “lightning storm?†He gets up but he’s had a reaction to the injection and his hands have swollen up. “Good God, man!†says Bones in a spot-on DeForest Kelley. Despite this, Kirk runs form the sick bay pursued by the anxious doctor. “We’re flying into a trap!†“Dammit, Jim, stand still!â€. The pair run through the corridors before locating Uhura, who is more preoccupied with the size of Kirk’s swollen hands. As he tries to explain, his toungue goes numb, leading to much slurring and misunderstanding. While it sounds daft here, the comedy in the scene is pulled off well, showing that JJ has nailed the sense of humour he promised to bring to the film.
Cut to: the interior of Nero’s ship: dark, red and menacing. An officer reports: “Nero, seven federation ships are on their way.â€
Cut to: Vulcan. A beam, emitted from Nero’s ship, bores into the planet’s surface. A lone figure looks out and survey’s the attack. It’s Winona Ryder as Spock’s mother.
Cut to: Exasperated, Kirk runs onto the bridge and shouts that they need to stop the ship as it’s a trap. “Vulcan is not experiencing a natural disaster, it’s being attacked by Romulans.†Pike all but has him dragged off the bridge and Spock’s instant animosity (it almost comes to blows between the two) indicates that, at this point at least, these two do not get on at all. Kirk ultimately breaks through though and explains that the same anomaly was spotted years before on the day of his birth, before a Romulan ship attacked the USS Kelvin. He goes on to say that the night before, 47 (yes forty seven!) Klingon Warbirds were destroyed by a single Romulan vessel. Uhura backs Kirk up and Pike gives the order: “shields up, red alert!â€
The ship comes out of warp amid a sea of debris: there are broken hulls as far as the eye can see. This is what remains of the other ships sent on the ‘rescue mission’ To Vulcan.
