Harlan Ellison is suing Paramount over rights to elements in his ST-TOS story "City on the Edge of Forever", more specifically those elements related to the "Guardian of Forever" time gate.
The new film uses a "Guardian" device to allow future characters to go back to the days of Kirk & Co's at the Academy and their first mission.
Ellison, irascible as ever, no doubt thinks he has a big pay-day coming, so he wants in on the merchandising. Referencing a similar action against Pocket Books in 2006 over their "Crucible" trilogy, Ellison stated on his website;
The new film uses a "Guardian" device to allow future characters to go back to the days of Kirk & Co's at the Academy and their first mission.
Ellison, irascible as ever, no doubt thinks he has a big pay-day coming, so he wants in on the merchandising. Referencing a similar action against Pocket Books in 2006 over their "Crucible" trilogy, Ellison stated on his website;
If they play nice and tug their forelock and acknowledge where the material came from and pay me a trailer-truck full of cash, I will not sue them in Federal District Court…