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Toast recipes

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  • Toast recipes

    Recently I came to conclusion that plain "2 slices of toast bread + butter + cheese + ketchup" definatelly isn't enough. Especially after trying:

    - 2 slices of toast bread (obviously)
    - butter (as above)
    - cheese
    - slice of turkey
    - tomato
    - onion
    - "manhattan hamburger sauce" (supposedly...): 3:2:1 - mayonnaise:ketchup:mustard

    And since toasts are the greates culinary invention ever - cheap, quick & easy to make, warm & delicious...I'd appreciate more proven ideas (especially since I've already had one from MURC - toasts with strawberry yoghurt and cinamonne fried in butter on a frying-pan...thought they're a bit too labour intensive, I'm looking for something for toaster (the one that squizzes two slices together)

  • #2
    The classic is Croque Monsieur: lightly toast 1 side of 2 slices white bread and butter toasted side. Put a thickish slice of good cheese, e.g., Gruyère salé (do not use the plastic processed cheese slices) on each and then a slice of ham carved off the bone. Sandwich the lot together and toast the naked side. If assembled quickly, the cheese should just be starting to melt. Traditionally, the only condiment is a light sprinkling of freshly ground black pepper on the cheese. Do not overseason with e.g., mustard as the delicate combination of the cheese and ham will be lost.
    Brian (the devil incarnate)

