Hopefully its faster
No announcement yet.
Welcome to the new server
Seems to be and, hopefully, more reliable. From here, the routing arrived in the USA in VA and then went straight to ThePlanet.com in Houston. The five hops there were all in Houston and no longer gallivant through half the cattle ranches in Texas (including Crawford?), like it did before. There were still a few lost packets of little consequence, except for a proxy with the domain THEMUDFLATS.NET, also hosted by ThePlanet.com, using the same IP number as MURC and with a considerable packet loss.
Brian (the devil incarnate)
yup mudflats and this are the same server, depends when you hit it up Brian, I was moving the last of my controlled sites over last night, and there are still more sites to move.
Murc was just the largest.
Seems the Control Panel software itself causes more pain then anything else when we are doing things in it.Juu nin to iro
English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.