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  • More useless research...

    Students who live in co-ed dorms drink more, have more sex and engage in more "risky behaviors"


    Who'd have thunk it?

    Seriously...anyone who's gone to college since the 60's could have told them this. Hell...we had men and women on the same floor and it wasn't too unusual for the gals to go from the showers back to their rooms with a towel on their head and little or nothing else. A very friendly environment
    Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 17 November 2009, 08:47.
    Dr. Mordrid
    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

  • #2
    Guess I was born 20 or 30 years or so too early. In my heyday (pre-the-pill), virginity (both sexes) was highly valued. Our late-1940s studentship morality was very chaste and our drinking very moderate (possibly because thruppence for a pint of wallop was a lot of money). We were still in austerity mode 3 years after the war, still with rationing, and that, combined with Presbyterian Scottish puritanism restricted our illicit activities. Believe it or not, students then worked like hell. Some of us were young, like me, but many were ex-forces, trying to take off where they were with their studies when they were called up 5 years earlier. This work ethic allowed many of us to shorten our studentship. I was able to take my 2nd and 3rd year exams in my 2nd year and my 4th and 5th year ones in my 3rd year, so I had my degree at the ripe old age of 18 (19th birthday in boot camp!!!). It was a hard slog, but worth it. I don't think I ever saw a skirt in term time, although one of our profs wore a kilt all the time -- not the same thing! Of course, no girls in engineering courses at that time!
    Brian (the devil incarnate)

