I can see the conversation between the Snyder couple now.
"I'm sorry that Watchmen didn't so well dear, but I know you can bounce back. Maybe you could make another 300 but with hot chicks?"
"I don't know, that doesn't seem to be enough these days. Everyone has an action movie with hot chicks in it these days."
"How about making them really young?"
"That could work."
"Oh, and throw in a dragon, everyone likes dragons."
"Yeah, that just might work. But it has to be a psychological thriller too, with..with...a samurai. Yeah, a really kick ass fight scene between a hot chick and a samurai."
"The hot young chicks should wear lingerie and school girl outfits most of the time too, especially when fighting."
"I like the sound of that. And I can throw in a dog fight with WW2 planes, and biplanes and..."
"And don't forget guns, and gansters and swords and slo-mo fight scenes..."
"Oh, and strange new worlds and nazis. Everyone likes seeing Nazis get their asses kicked."
"Don't forget dance scenes!"
"And giant killer robots!"
"And a love story, there has to be a love story."
"A futuristic metropolises...metropolisii...metropolisiis... Whatever, let's get writing!"
This movie is going to be awesome, even if the story absolutely blows, this movie is going to be awesome.