Blair, Castro and Bush inexplicably find themselves no longer among the living, and in Satan's Office.
"It's not really bad here, you know", says Satan.
"You can pretty much do whatever you like here, enjoy all those pleasures you enjoyed during life, and spend Eternity in peaceful, happy way. However, there are a few rules. The biggest one is that while you can use the phone, there are very steep charges for the privilege. Hell is a long way from anywhere."
After some time, Blair decides he'd like to check up on friends, family and events. He places a 15 minute call.
"That 15 minute call will be $300,000 Mr. Blair", said Satan's Secretary. "Welll, he DID say rates were high. Fair enough, I suppose", replied Blair
Not long after, Castro decides he want's to phone his brother in Cuba. He's on the phone for half an hour.
"That 30 minute call will be $600,000 Mr. Castro", said Satan's Secretary. "Well, he DID say rates were high and I was on the phone twice as long as Blair. Fair enough, I suppose".
George Bush then took his turn. He made several calls to friends, family, and former associates. He spent hours on the phone.
"Those 6 hours worth of calls will be......oh. Wait. There will be no charge for those calls Mr. Bush", said Satan's Secretary.
Blair and Castro came unglued -
shouted Blair and Castro in unison.
"We paid $20,000 per minute for our calls and he gets to call for free? For Free?? FOR FREE?!?!?!?"
Satan's Secretary calmly looked at the two men and said:
"Since Barack Obama has been President the US has gone to Hell and is now a local call."
"It's not really bad here, you know", says Satan.
"You can pretty much do whatever you like here, enjoy all those pleasures you enjoyed during life, and spend Eternity in peaceful, happy way. However, there are a few rules. The biggest one is that while you can use the phone, there are very steep charges for the privilege. Hell is a long way from anywhere."
After some time, Blair decides he'd like to check up on friends, family and events. He places a 15 minute call.
"That 15 minute call will be $300,000 Mr. Blair", said Satan's Secretary. "Welll, he DID say rates were high. Fair enough, I suppose", replied Blair
Not long after, Castro decides he want's to phone his brother in Cuba. He's on the phone for half an hour.
"That 30 minute call will be $600,000 Mr. Castro", said Satan's Secretary. "Well, he DID say rates were high and I was on the phone twice as long as Blair. Fair enough, I suppose".
George Bush then took his turn. He made several calls to friends, family, and former associates. He spent hours on the phone.
"Those 6 hours worth of calls will be......oh. Wait. There will be no charge for those calls Mr. Bush", said Satan's Secretary.
Blair and Castro came unglued -
shouted Blair and Castro in unison.
"We paid $20,000 per minute for our calls and he gets to call for free? For Free?? FOR FREE?!?!?!?"
Satan's Secretary calmly looked at the two men and said:
"Since Barack Obama has been President the US has gone to Hell and is now a local call."