Yet another example of Life Imitating Trek, if there is a winner.

X-Prize Launch Pad....

X-Prize Launch Pad....
Upcoming X PRIZE: Star Trek Technology in the Palm of Your Hand
A new X PRIZE is on the horizon -- and it's right up your alley, space fans! Remember the medical tricorders from Star Trek? Well, Qualcomm is partnering with X PRIZE to make those a reality.
$10 million in prize money will be offered in the "Tricorder X PRIZE" competition, which will be launched sometime early next year (2012). The idea is to take advantage of the increasing power of mobile devices to make health care more accessible and easier to understand. With the equivalent of a board of physicians in your pocket, wireless sensors and imaging, you will be able to assess health and determine health care needs with a device in the palm of your hand.
A new X PRIZE is on the horizon -- and it's right up your alley, space fans! Remember the medical tricorders from Star Trek? Well, Qualcomm is partnering with X PRIZE to make those a reality.
$10 million in prize money will be offered in the "Tricorder X PRIZE" competition, which will be launched sometime early next year (2012). The idea is to take advantage of the increasing power of mobile devices to make health care more accessible and easier to understand. With the equivalent of a board of physicians in your pocket, wireless sensors and imaging, you will be able to assess health and determine health care needs with a device in the palm of your hand.