DC Comics has announced that on on Wednesday August 31st, 2011 all 52 of its titles will re-launch and every issue will be available for digital purchase on the same day as it hits stores.
Leading the re-launch is Justice League #1, bringing back the original core team of Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Green Lantern. Writing by DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns and illustrations by Chief Co-Publisher Jim Lee.
Changes include updated costumes; Superman seems to have lost the red shorts and the "S" logo has been updated, fueling speculation that these are the looks (and retconned backstories ?) to be used in 2012's Man of Steel and in 2013's Justice League: Mortal.
Leading the re-launch is Justice League #1, bringing back the original core team of Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Green Lantern. Writing by DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns and illustrations by Chief Co-Publisher Jim Lee.
Changes include updated costumes; Superman seems to have lost the red shorts and the "S" logo has been updated, fueling speculation that these are the looks (and retconned backstories ?) to be used in 2012's Man of Steel and in 2013's Justice League: Mortal.
