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RoboCop (2014) [Trailer]

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  • RoboCop (2014) [Trailer]

    Robocop [reboot]

    Studio: MGM

    When: 2013

    Director: Jose Padilha (Elite Squad series - Brazil)

    producer: Gary Barber (LOTS - Bruce Almighty, Invictus, Wanted, Unbreakable....)

    Screenplay: Josh Zetumer (coming- Villain, Infiltrator, Dune remake)

    Poster from the recent marketing expo
    Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 17 June 2011, 21:43.
    Dr. Mordrid
    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

  • #2
    Not sure what to think about this. Robocop could be done a lot of justice with the advancements we've made in CGI and the like, but that very thing could make it horrible.

    And please, we all know Frank Miller's work has become a popular source of movie ideas, but don't use his Robocop comics as material for this remake. They were horrible.
    “And, remember: there's no 'I' in 'irony'” ~ Merlin Mann


    • #3
      Well the new Robo Cop movie will be great, instead of the stop motion animation that plagued RoboCop 1,2 and 3.

      Better be a dark awesome movie.


      • #4
        Well - the guy doing the screenplay is also doing The Infiltrator (about a British agent who penetrates the IRA), a major project for Leonardo DiCaprio, so he got someone's attention.
        Dr. Mordrid
        An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

        I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


        • #5
          Robocop was F*cking awesome, and is one of my all time favourite movies.

          These reboot people need to be shot. quickly. please.
          PC-1 Fractal Design Arc Mini R2, 3800X, Asus B450M-PRO mATX, 2x8GB B-die@3800C16, AMD Vega64, Seasonic 850W Gold, Black Ice Nemesis/Laing DDC/EKWB 240 Loop (VRM>CPU>GPU), Noctua Fans.
          Nas : i3/itx/2x4GB/8x4TB BTRFS/Raid6 (7 + Hotspare) Xpenology
          +++ : FSP Nano 800VA (Pi's+switch) + 1600VA (PC-1+Nas)


          • #6
            Yet another remake. Can't Hollyweird come up with some new content??


            • #7
              This is nothing. Since 1931 The Front Page has been made at least 6 times - 9/10 if you count TV versions or using other names; His Gal Friday & Switching Channels for starters.
              Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 22 June 2011, 01:46.
              Dr. Mordrid
              An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

              I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


              • #8
                Yes, but most of the remakes, aren't direct copies of the original. They differ in such a manner, that hopefully people would have to try a bit to see the similarities.

                The writers these days aren't even being creative.

                That poster : Robocop is smiling. WTF! Peter Weller did a great job keeping the emotions down. He's a Cyborg Robot, not a play-date. Paul Verhoeven must be cringing with horror at what is to become.
                PC-1 Fractal Design Arc Mini R2, 3800X, Asus B450M-PRO mATX, 2x8GB B-die@3800C16, AMD Vega64, Seasonic 850W Gold, Black Ice Nemesis/Laing DDC/EKWB 240 Loop (VRM>CPU>GPU), Noctua Fans.
                Nas : i3/itx/2x4GB/8x4TB BTRFS/Raid6 (7 + Hotspare) Xpenology
                +++ : FSP Nano 800VA (Pi's+switch) + 1600VA (PC-1+Nas)


                • #9
                  Michael Fassbender (Magneto) as Murphy/Robocop?


                  Director José Padilha appeared on Brazillian TV channel Globo 1 to discuss Elite Squad 2: The Enemy Within and talk turned to his upcoming remake of RoboCop. Thanks to Bleeding Cool, here is a translation of what he said about his plans as well as his mention of Michael Fassbender ( X-Men: First Class, Inglourious Basterds) for the role:
                  I'll film Robocop. I'm indeed writing the script, the writer is here with me in Rio, we've spent over the last 15 days working together, refining the script.

                  I'll be traveling this friday back to LA, bringing this new version to discuss with the studio, and maybe begin with the casting, selecting actors... and the idea is to begin filming in February – February or March. That's the idea, y'know, we never know in the American movie industry. We're just delivering the project, but also we depend on the schedule of the actors... it's tough.

                  I can't talk yet, it's too early to speak, but there are some actors I like. I really like the Fassbender, I'd like to talk to him - I'll talk to him. There's a possibility... and there's a lot of other great actors that would play RoboCop. But that's the idea, to film around January, February, March.

                  Padilha also confirmed that the film would be set in Detroit, as in Paul Verhoeven's original.

                  The interview is available on Globo 1's site here.

                  Fassbender can be seen in the upcoming A Dangerous Method and Shame and he's playing one of the lead roles in Ridley Scott's Prometheus, opening next June.
                  Dr. Mordrid
                  An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                  I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                  • #10
                    He would actually be pretty good I think. Not that i Condone a remake of this Classic.
                    Watched it again Friday Night
                    PC-1 Fractal Design Arc Mini R2, 3800X, Asus B450M-PRO mATX, 2x8GB B-die@3800C16, AMD Vega64, Seasonic 850W Gold, Black Ice Nemesis/Laing DDC/EKWB 240 Loop (VRM>CPU>GPU), Noctua Fans.
                    Nas : i3/itx/2x4GB/8x4TB BTRFS/Raid6 (7 + Hotspare) Xpenology
                    +++ : FSP Nano 800VA (Pi's+switch) + 1600VA (PC-1+Nas)


                    • #11

                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 7 July 2012, 16:29.
                      Dr. Mordrid
                      An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                      I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                      • #12
                        Interesting, kinda has this Terminator feel to


                        • #13
                          Hard to tell, but it may be just off the expected track to be decent.
                          Dr. Mordrid
                          An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                          I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                          • #14
                            Cast is assembling -


                            EXCLUSIVE: Jackie Earle Haley is signing on to star in the Robocop remake that Jose Padilha will direct with Joel Kinnaman playing the title character. Haley will play Maddox, the guy who dispenses the military training to Robocop. Gary Oldman, Hugh Laurie, Samuel L. Jackson and Abbie Cornish are also set and actors including Jay Baruchel are circling the final leads.
                            Dr. Mordrid
                            An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                            I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                            • #15
                              No longer called OCP then.
                              The logo is different too, and it would seem to be based in Chicago rather than Detroit.

                              My hopes are better with Gary Oldman and such onboard.
                              PC-1 Fractal Design Arc Mini R2, 3800X, Asus B450M-PRO mATX, 2x8GB B-die@3800C16, AMD Vega64, Seasonic 850W Gold, Black Ice Nemesis/Laing DDC/EKWB 240 Loop (VRM>CPU>GPU), Noctua Fans.
                              Nas : i3/itx/2x4GB/8x4TB BTRFS/Raid6 (7 + Hotspare) Xpenology
                              +++ : FSP Nano 800VA (Pi's+switch) + 1600VA (PC-1+Nas)

