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New fad: Batmanning

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  • New fad: Batmanning

    It's always something....

    CBS Chicago....

    CHICAGO (CBS) — Planking or Owling? Forget about it.

    Now, it’s “Batmanning.”

    While the planking trend involved taking your picture in various places lying flat, “batmanning” is much more difficult–and possibly more dangerous. It involves hanging upside down, only by your feet.

    A group of Purdue University freshmen claim to have started the trend late last month. They made a video that shows them hanging from various locations on campus–from parking garages, stadium gates and statues.

    While it clearly requires much more athleticism than planking, some fear it could lead to serious injury. There were reports of people hurting themselves while lying flat, while planking. One can only imagine what could happen if people fall while hanging upside down.

    A video posted by the Purdue students has gone viral, with over 400,000 views and has inspired numerous imitations

    “If you do a Google search there’s a ton of articles (about the video), from the UK to articles in languages I can’t even understand. It’s definitely gone international,” Purdue student Chris Ganz told the Lafayette Journal and Courier.

    Dr. Mordrid
    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

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