Why is the word g r a s s h o p p e r filtered? It's a lousy insect name
Hot off the FAA presses. Speculation is rampant, ranging from an entry into the suborbital business to a testbed for recovery of 1st stages for reuse - or both. Elon Musk has an appearance before the National Press Club in Washington DC on the 29th so hopefully he'll clarify things.
SpaceX Gr****opper RLV (FAA tech docs - PDF)....
Hot off the FAA presses. Speculation is rampant, ranging from an entry into the suborbital business to a testbed for recovery of 1st stages for reuse - or both. Elon Musk has an appearance before the National Press Club in Washington DC on the 29th so hopefully he'll clarify things.
SpaceX Gr****opper RLV (FAA tech docs - PDF)....
The Proposed Action (preferred alternative) is for the FAA/AST to issue an experimental permit to SpaceX, which would authorize SpaceX to conduct suborbital launches and landings of the Gr****opper RLV from the McGregor test site in McGregor, Texas (see Exhibits 2-1 and 2-2 below). SpaceX has determined that to support the Gr****opper RLV activities under the experimental permit, it would be necessary to construct a launch pad and additional support infrastructure. Therefore, the Proposed Action analyzed in this Draft EA includes the activities that would be authorized by the experimental permit (i.e., the operation of the launch vehicle) as well as the construction of the launch pad and related infrastructure. The experimental permit would be valid for one year and would authorize an unlimited number of launches2. The FAA/AST could renew the experimental permit if requested, in writing, by SpaceX at least 60 days before the permit expires. SpaceX anticipates that the Gr****opper RLV program would require up to 3 years to complete. Therefore, the Proposed Action considers one new permit and two potential permit renewals.
The Gr****opper RLV is a vertical takeoff and vertical landing (VTVL) vehicle. The highest altitude which the Gr****opper RLV would reach during launches conducted under an experimental permit is 11,500 feet above ground level (AGL). SpaceX would need to obtain a Letter of Authorization from the Robert Gray Army Radar Approach Control at Fort Hood to operate the Gr****opper RLV in the proposed airspace before any launches could commence.
The Gr****opper RLV is a vertical takeoff and vertical landing (VTVL) vehicle. The highest altitude which the Gr****opper RLV would reach during launches conducted under an experimental permit is 11,500 feet above ground level (AGL). SpaceX would need to obtain a Letter of Authorization from the Robert Gray Army Radar Approach Control at Fort Hood to operate the Gr****opper RLV in the proposed airspace before any launches could commence.