Iron Sky
Release: April 4, 2012
Budget: $7+ million, including a $1M F/X budget. Doing a lot with a little.
Studio: Independent - Finland, Germany, Canada & Australia
Languages: English & German.
Genres: Action, Sci-Fi & Comedy
Synopsis: a satirical Sci-Fi thriller that imagines a team of German Nazis blasting off to the dark side of the moon at the end of World War II. In the ensuing decades the Nazis build a battle fleet on their remote lunar base; in 2018, they return to Earth with a vengeance..
Julia Dietze as Renate Richter
Götz Otto as Klaus Adler
Christopher Kirby as James Washington
Tilo Prückner as Doktor Richter
Udo Kier as Wolfgang Höss
Peta Sergeant as Vivian Wagner
Stephanie Paul as President of the United States
Teaser 1
Teaser 2
Teaser 3