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  • #16
    Originally posted by Umfriend View Post
    OK, so what is the cost of 1 tonne of soot particles emissions?
    3 pulmonary cancers
    1 larynx cancer
    7 emphysemas
    12 juvenile asthmas

    It is not soot that is the worst problem as that can be filtered out reasonably well (80-90%), generally being 1-10 µm. It is the aerosol particles in the range 0.01 - 0.5 µm which are invisible and float suspended in the air for days, if no one breathes them in. They pass through the filters without hindrance.
    Brian (the devil incarnate)


    • #17
      Great, we're almost there: What is the cost of 1 tonne of aerosol particles? If the consequences w.r.t. pulmonary, larynx cancers, emphysemas and juvenile astmhas are not the same in proportion or if there there are consequences in other fields we will then need to value the consequences (as in: what is the cost of a pulmonary cancer or how much should it be worth to avoid one).
      Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
      [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen

