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We all know where you got that computer virus. Church

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  • We all know where you got that computer virus. Church

    As with herpes, one of the peripheral embarrassments of contracting a computer virus is that everyone has a pretty good idea of what you were up to when you got it. Oh sure, it’s possible you just chastely pecked a misleading email link. But odds are you picked it up because you were dallying on one of those shady, fly-by-night websites that people visit when they’re seeking fulfillment. You know—religious sites.

    What’s that? Church blogs and Christian youth forums aren’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of scareware, malware, worms, and Trojan horses? They should be. In its latest annual Internet security threat report, Symantec, the maker of Norton AntiVirus software, found that “religious and ideological sites” have far surpassed pornographic websites as targets for criminal hackers. According to the company you’re now three times as likely to encounter malware—insidious software that can steal your data, pelt you with spam, or enslave your machine in a botnet—on your local church blog as you are on a porn site.


  • #2
    Yeah. Porn sites are surprisingly diligent (but not always successful!) at keeping malware out of their sites. It cuts into the profits and gives them a bad reputation.


    • #3
      Originally posted by KRSESQ View Post
      Yeah. Porn sites are surprisingly diligent (but not always successful!) at keeping malware out of their sites. It cuts into the profits and gives them a bad reputation.
      You should know
      Brian (the devil incarnate)


      • #4
        Considering how many of those digital venereal diseases I've pried out of peoples' computers, yeah. I see their histories. I know where they've been. Got one client, goes to some of the raunchiest porn sites you can imagine (or maybe you don't want to imagine), and they're getting raunchier all the time. But that's not where he picks up his malware. He picks up his malware in the political forums he frequents.

        He's far too trusting of people who claim to share his views.


        • #5
          We have clerks at work that have to browse the internet looking for people who are dodging business tax by changing names and stuff.
          It's never porn, amazing the innocent places that corrupt their computers.
          And amazing how clever the infectors are. Our clerks are not administrators on their PCs, but trojans somehow manage to get on one every couple of weeks.

