Brian, I think you don't have the touch with present.
In generations aged 40 and lower I don't know almost anyone who hasn't smoked a joint at least once in life and quite a few regular users. And they are all normal people who work, have families, some are even very successful entrepreneurs or artists. For example a group of normal working people with children will smoke a joint at a birthday party, new year's party a few times a year (on street or on balcony of course) just like your generation would have a drink. Also the use of other drugs such as amphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy is quite common (~30% occasional users).
It is very common here to see marijuana smoked on streets in certain parts of city and in front of some bars/restaurants and it's tolerated.
While I agree that overuse of cannabis is harmful (just like with other things) I don't see any argument for it to be criminalized. Also I think state should not regulate what adults people do with their bodies. If they want to eat fat food, drink, smoke it is up to them.
Besides legalizing marijuana would take away the attraction of forbidden fruit to young people and it would be like cigarettes and alcohol - 18 years and above. What has become common here is employers regularly testing their employees for drug use, which I think is infringement on privacy and I think groundless testing of everyone is a violation of privacy.
I'd like to add here that I'm not a fan of marijuana at all and I don't like it's effects and I don't use it.
My view is that all cultures since beginning of times knew and used drugs and that all drugs should be legalized and decriminalized as it there would be far less problems.
In generations aged 40 and lower I don't know almost anyone who hasn't smoked a joint at least once in life and quite a few regular users. And they are all normal people who work, have families, some are even very successful entrepreneurs or artists. For example a group of normal working people with children will smoke a joint at a birthday party, new year's party a few times a year (on street or on balcony of course) just like your generation would have a drink. Also the use of other drugs such as amphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy is quite common (~30% occasional users).
It is very common here to see marijuana smoked on streets in certain parts of city and in front of some bars/restaurants and it's tolerated.
While I agree that overuse of cannabis is harmful (just like with other things) I don't see any argument for it to be criminalized. Also I think state should not regulate what adults people do with their bodies. If they want to eat fat food, drink, smoke it is up to them.
Besides legalizing marijuana would take away the attraction of forbidden fruit to young people and it would be like cigarettes and alcohol - 18 years and above. What has become common here is employers regularly testing their employees for drug use, which I think is infringement on privacy and I think groundless testing of everyone is a violation of privacy.
I'd like to add here that I'm not a fan of marijuana at all and I don't like it's effects and I don't use it.
My view is that all cultures since beginning of times knew and used drugs and that all drugs should be legalized and decriminalized as it there would be far less problems.