My wife teaches in an establishment where they can't allow internet access for the pupils. Lets just say she has a captive audience.
She's trying to improve the syllabus (heck, teching them the ON button will be an improvement over what they've been doing until now).
Problem #1: In the qualification they want to adopt they are required to teach them how to change the dpi setting for an image (note I explicitly mean the dpi, not the number of pixels). Not much does this, maybe Gimp (way OTT) or Irfanview?
Problem #2: She needs to teach them raw HTML. All she has now is Notepad.
Problem #3: They have no software.
Problem #4: They won't buy any software.
So, I am looking for freeware that #1 does basic graphics work including changing dpi and #2 a simple HTML editor with preview.
Once we have that the next hurdle is persuading their s**t for brains administrator to log in so the s/w can be installed.
And don't get me started on the whiteboard and projector that have been there for years and can't be used as the s/w isn't installed!
She comes home knackered and drained every day she goes there (only 3 days a week thankfully). I am sure frustration (hers and her pupils) is the biggest cause.
Any recommendations please?
My wife teaches in an establishment where they can't allow internet access for the pupils. Lets just say she has a captive audience.
She's trying to improve the syllabus (heck, teching them the ON button will be an improvement over what they've been doing until now).
Problem #1: In the qualification they want to adopt they are required to teach them how to change the dpi setting for an image (note I explicitly mean the dpi, not the number of pixels). Not much does this, maybe Gimp (way OTT) or Irfanview?
Problem #2: She needs to teach them raw HTML. All she has now is Notepad.
Problem #3: They have no software.
Problem #4: They won't buy any software.
So, I am looking for freeware that #1 does basic graphics work including changing dpi and #2 a simple HTML editor with preview.
Once we have that the next hurdle is persuading their s**t for brains administrator to log in so the s/w can be installed.
And don't get me started on the whiteboard and projector that have been there for years and can't be used as the s/w isn't installed!
She comes home knackered and drained every day she goes there (only 3 days a week thankfully). I am sure frustration (hers and her pupils) is the biggest cause.
Any recommendations please?