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Academy Awards for Sci-Tech achievements

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  • Academy Awards for Sci-Tech achievements

    Hollywood Reporter....

    Lens Maker Cooke to Receive Sci-Tech Oscar

    U.K.-headquartered lens maker Cooke Optics will receive an Academy Award of Merit — an Oscar statuette — for continuing innovation in its motion picture camera lenses that have been used over the last century. Its popular lenses produce what is commonly referred to as the "Cooke Look.”

    The award will be presented at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Scientific and Technical Awards dinner and ceremony, which will be held Feb. 9 at The Beverly Hills Hotel.

    Also during the ceremony, the teams behind three innovations will receive Scientific and Engineering Awards (an Academy Plaque) and five innovations will be honored with Technical Achievement Awards (an Academy Certificate).

    Selected to receive Scientific and Engineering Awards are Simon Clutterbuck, James Jacobs and Richard Dorling for the tissue physically-based character simulation framework for the creation of CG creatures; Philip McLauchlan, Allan Jaenicke, John-Paul Smith and Ross Shain for the Mocha planar tracking and rotoscoping software at Imagineer Systems; and Joe Murtha, William Frederick and Jim Markland of Anton/Bauer for the Cine VCLX portable power system.

    Receiving Technical Achievement Awards are J.P. Lewis, Matt Cordner and Nickson Fong for the Pose Space Deformation technique; Lawrence Kesteloot, Drew Olbrich and Daniel Wexler for the Light system for CG lighting at PDI/DreamWorks; Steve LaVietes, Brian Hall and Jeremy Selan for the Katana CG scene management and lighting software at Sony Pictures Imageworks; Theodore Kim, Nils Thuerey, Markus Gross and Doug James for the Wavelet Turbulence software; and Richard Mall for the Matthews Max Menace Arm.
    Dr. Mordrid
    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

  • #2
    Unfortunately with these tech awards there is no public recognition. Only the well paid stars etc get that at the Oscars


    • #3
      My erstwhile boss Stefan Kudelski received four Oscars: twp Scientific and Engineering Awards in 1965 and 1977, an Academy Award of Merit in 1978 and the Gordon E. Sawyer Award in 1990 from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Also he was given two Emmy Awards and Gold Medals from L. Warner, Audio Engineering Society, Lyra and Eurotechnica. I worked there from 1963 to 1974, latterly as Divisional Technical Director.
      Brian (the devil incarnate)

