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Me want!!!!
Impressive! However, I missed the after-burners on take-off. The thing that intrigues me is that a rear delta-wing craft is inherently unstable without stabilisation. This is achieved with about six accelerometers that detect any undesired motion and acts on the control surfaces to apply correction, through a computer, taking into account altitude, airspeed, windspeed and relative direction etc.This would require some very sophisticated programming. Wonder whether he has a few Raspberry Pis in there?
Brian (the devil incarnate)
Too bad he didn't lay down a sonic boom.
Interesting question for math nerds: assuming a 1/10 scale model, how many times the length of the aircraft per second would it have to travel in order for it to actually break the sound barrier and how many miles/km per hour does that scale up to?
(Math Check: a real SR-71 (107.72' long) covers 10.42x its length per second @ mach 1. Given a 10.8' model, it would have to travel @ 104.26x its length per second to reach a speed of 1126 f/s. 104.26x107.72=11230.88 f/s or mach 9.97. Discuss.)