Dragon CRS-3 now NET March 16 at ~4:41 AM Eastern. Exact launch window soon.
Secondary launch dates in case of a scrub are March 17, 19 and 20.
Delayed from Feb 22 and March 1 because of eastern US weather issues (snow, ice, winds) preventing the F9 first stage from being shipped and a busy Visiting Vehicle schedule at ISS. No rocket/payload issues, just a wicked winter.
Primary payloads:
* miscellaneous experiments, consumables and supplies for the ISS. Inside Dragon.
* Optical PAyload for Lasercomm Science (OPALS), a high-bandwidth space to ground laser communications device for ISS. In the trunk.
* High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV), which is to assess commercial HD hardwares ability to function in the LEO environment. It will also provide live video streaming over the internet. In the trunk.
Secondary payloads (deployed by Falcon 9 upper stage):
* KickSat CubeSat, which will deploy 250 (!!) KickSat Sprite picosatellites
* ALL-STAR/THEIA, a 3U cubesat from the Colorado Space Grant Consortium (CoSGC) and Lockheed Martin
* TechCube 1, a 3U CubeSat from NASA Goddard
* LMRSat (Low Mass Radio Science Transponder Satellite), a 2U CubeSat from JPL
* Hermes-2, a 1U CubeSat from the Colorado Space Grant Consortium (CoSGC)


Secondary launch dates in case of a scrub are March 17, 19 and 20.
Delayed from Feb 22 and March 1 because of eastern US weather issues (snow, ice, winds) preventing the F9 first stage from being shipped and a busy Visiting Vehicle schedule at ISS. No rocket/payload issues, just a wicked winter.
Primary payloads:
* miscellaneous experiments, consumables and supplies for the ISS. Inside Dragon.
* Optical PAyload for Lasercomm Science (OPALS), a high-bandwidth space to ground laser communications device for ISS. In the trunk.
* High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV), which is to assess commercial HD hardwares ability to function in the LEO environment. It will also provide live video streaming over the internet. In the trunk.
Secondary payloads (deployed by Falcon 9 upper stage):
* KickSat CubeSat, which will deploy 250 (!!) KickSat Sprite picosatellites
* ALL-STAR/THEIA, a 3U cubesat from the Colorado Space Grant Consortium (CoSGC) and Lockheed Martin
* TechCube 1, a 3U CubeSat from NASA Goddard
* LMRSat (Low Mass Radio Science Transponder Satellite), a 2U CubeSat from JPL
* Hermes-2, a 1U CubeSat from the Colorado Space Grant Consortium (CoSGC)

