Originally posted by paulw
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Just the fact that the Crimean peninsula has been annexed, and that there is basically nothing we can do about it, and there is nothing we should really do about it, because it is none of our business basically.
"We" paid for the unrest in Kiev, and have caused the problems. Just so that we could try and get Ukraine on "our side" against Russia.
Russia bascially said "Oh no you don't" and jumped the Gun.
We haven't forgotten what our Grandfathers did, and what many of them laid down their lives to protect. (Something the US Gov't seems to have forgotten......FREEDOM)
It certainly wasn't so that the USA could rule the World, and it wasn't so that NATO could be a Bully.
NATO is/was a safeguard force, not an attack force. If someone attacks a NATO country, we retaliate.
NATO does not invade just because they can, that is not what it was created for.
@DR, yes France as well asked for reprisals, and stuff, following the UK's lead. I didn't add it, because I couldn't list them all, so kept the list short.