So recently I read up more on this (I've been aware of this for a few years) and it makes me understand people around me and myself a lot more.
To sum it up. There is subconscious and unconscious. An individual early picks up one of 4 functions and chooses to use it either inward or outward, then he picks the 2nd function, the 3d and 4th are then opposites of 1. The opposite of one would be the 5th,...
The Myers Briggs is an application of Jung archetypes and the test characterizes person into one of 16 types. Types are by no means conclusive as people are tuned to different extent and some may be using their shadow functions or be biased in reporting.
The 4 functions are (introvert, extrovert)
Sensing (sensory memories of the past or living new sensory experiences)
Feeling (personal values, values of society)
Thinking (organization, contingency planning
Intuition (knowing the answer out of many abstract possibilities, symbols or exploring many different random paths all at once and coming to creative idea)
The test categorizes person as:
Introvert/Extrovert (this has more to do with whether people or solitude energize you and more with where your sensing or primary functions is looking)
Feeling/Thinking (more values/more rational data in decision making)
Judging/Perceiving (prefer to have things concluded , past / to have options open or closed)
By primary functions you have 4 main temperaments:
SP (sensing, perceiving) artisans (think Mila Kunis), SJ (Sensing/Judging) guardians/patriarchs (think Hilary Clinton), NF (iNtuitive Feeling) idealists (think Edgar Allan Poe), NT (iNtuitive Thinking) rationals (think Bill Gates)
All functions are good if well developed. (think great drummer, great department driver, great model, great teacher, great IT guy, great exec...) One would excel and suck in different position (this is not to say that only one type is suitable for something, only they would have different drive and different style of doing it - if they could adapt, they could excel)
This has all sorts of implications. Opposite types don't get along too well, types only slightly different get well along. We get attracted to opposite types. ENTJs have by far highest and INFP lowest income in USA. Your typical suburbia housewife is ESFJ. Some types are better suited for different taks, generally someone with good intuition and thinking would make great IT guy, someone with good extrovert sensing would be great at sport, playing instrument, crafts... Different types have different drivers behind their decision making and it's much better to understand than to change people (it's almost impossible to change, much better to improve).
For example only 25% of people in USA are intuitive, so this is why geeks have few friends. We get attracted sexually to opposite, so this is why nice girls like bad guys.
From your writing style it can be inferred which type are you so adds can be targeted more effectively online. Social media probably knows about your future girlfriend before you.
Understanding cognitive functions can explain why people act the way they do (totally alien to you) better.
Read more: Keirsey, Please understand me (buy/borrow a book or find pdf)
Brief Type explanation:
Celebrities: (I don't think all are correct)
Here is the short test: (pick 1-2/3)
Regular test:
Profile your facebook friends on their posts (inconclusive but very very good): (Open = intuitive, Agreeable = feeling, Conscientiousness = judging)
I have mostly intuitive friends and have few sensors in my social circle. Based on this being IT place, I'd say we're mostly of the NTP/NTJ/NFP variety.
To sum it up. There is subconscious and unconscious. An individual early picks up one of 4 functions and chooses to use it either inward or outward, then he picks the 2nd function, the 3d and 4th are then opposites of 1. The opposite of one would be the 5th,...
The Myers Briggs is an application of Jung archetypes and the test characterizes person into one of 16 types. Types are by no means conclusive as people are tuned to different extent and some may be using their shadow functions or be biased in reporting.
The 4 functions are (introvert, extrovert)
Sensing (sensory memories of the past or living new sensory experiences)
Feeling (personal values, values of society)
Thinking (organization, contingency planning
Intuition (knowing the answer out of many abstract possibilities, symbols or exploring many different random paths all at once and coming to creative idea)
The test categorizes person as:
Introvert/Extrovert (this has more to do with whether people or solitude energize you and more with where your sensing or primary functions is looking)
Feeling/Thinking (more values/more rational data in decision making)
Judging/Perceiving (prefer to have things concluded , past / to have options open or closed)
By primary functions you have 4 main temperaments:
SP (sensing, perceiving) artisans (think Mila Kunis), SJ (Sensing/Judging) guardians/patriarchs (think Hilary Clinton), NF (iNtuitive Feeling) idealists (think Edgar Allan Poe), NT (iNtuitive Thinking) rationals (think Bill Gates)
All functions are good if well developed. (think great drummer, great department driver, great model, great teacher, great IT guy, great exec...) One would excel and suck in different position (this is not to say that only one type is suitable for something, only they would have different drive and different style of doing it - if they could adapt, they could excel)
This has all sorts of implications. Opposite types don't get along too well, types only slightly different get well along. We get attracted to opposite types. ENTJs have by far highest and INFP lowest income in USA. Your typical suburbia housewife is ESFJ. Some types are better suited for different taks, generally someone with good intuition and thinking would make great IT guy, someone with good extrovert sensing would be great at sport, playing instrument, crafts... Different types have different drivers behind their decision making and it's much better to understand than to change people (it's almost impossible to change, much better to improve).
For example only 25% of people in USA are intuitive, so this is why geeks have few friends. We get attracted sexually to opposite, so this is why nice girls like bad guys.
From your writing style it can be inferred which type are you so adds can be targeted more effectively online. Social media probably knows about your future girlfriend before you.
Understanding cognitive functions can explain why people act the way they do (totally alien to you) better.
Read more: Keirsey, Please understand me (buy/borrow a book or find pdf)
Brief Type explanation:
Celebrities: (I don't think all are correct)
Here is the short test: (pick 1-2/3)
Regular test:
Profile your facebook friends on their posts (inconclusive but very very good): (Open = intuitive, Agreeable = feeling, Conscientiousness = judging)
I have mostly intuitive friends and have few sensors in my social circle. Based on this being IT place, I'd say we're mostly of the NTP/NTJ/NFP variety.