Synopsis: Set after the events of Captain America: Civil War, Scott Lang tries to balance his home life as a father with his responsibilities as Ant-Man, when Hope van Dyne and Hank Pym present him with a new mission to bring to light secrets from their past, requiring him to team up with Hope van Dyne as the new Wasp.
Paul Rudd: Scott Lang/Ant-Man II
Evangeline Lilly: Hope van Dyne/Wasp II
Michael Douglas: Hank Pym/Ant-Man I
Michelle Pfeiffer: Janet van Dyne/Wasp I
Hannah John-Kamen: Ghost
Randall Park: Jimmy Woo, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Laurence Fishburne: Bill Foster
Paul Rudd: Scott Lang/Ant-Man II
Evangeline Lilly: Hope van Dyne/Wasp II
Michael Douglas: Hank Pym/Ant-Man I
Michelle Pfeiffer: Janet van Dyne/Wasp I
Hannah John-Kamen: Ghost
Randall Park: Jimmy Woo, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Laurence Fishburne: Bill Foster