Small update... I have put the frame together, and while the metal parts are of fantastic quality, the 3D printed parts are quite bad. To such an extent that it prevented me from completing the printer. The company acknowledged the issues, which they say was caused by their supplier of printed parts taking some shortcuts that lowered the quality to keep up with the orders (I was not the only one who had issues). They told me that they are in the process of finalizing their own in-house print farm and offered me the option of either having new printed parts from their supplier, or from their in-house print farm (but that would take a few weeks longer). I opted for the latter, as I assume the quality will be better (for sure their first batches will be double checked for dimensional and structural properties). So still a bit of waiting...
Meanwhile, the list of things we feel could be printed keeps growing longer...
Meanwhile, the list of things we feel could be printed keeps growing longer...
